[Spam] Moderation requests [Cleanup][#2] (333)

115 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-02-22 08:33 ID:XAXnHbpT

116 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-02-23 02:45 ID:XAXnHbpT

117 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-02-23 11:53 ID:iN2q2WaG

118 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-02-23 15:31 ID:idCuqUP2

119 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-02-24 18:11 ID:Heaven

there's a guy spamming nigger wall of texts in every single thread on General

120 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-03-05 17:37 ID:dSp7jsxe

img cp

121 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-03-09 08:02 ID:dSp7jsxe

CP spam as a reply this time on /img/

124 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-03-13 13:10 ID:tpM00DSu

/img/ C-P

125 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-03-14 00:20 ID:iN2q2WaG

Seems like link field spam with random body text that doesn't relate to the thread

126 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-03-22 18:31 ID:tpM00DSu

spam in dqn

127 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-03-25 19:56 ID:iN2q2WaG


"Barrewtt Kosh Spits On My Cock Then Sits On My Cock in Dubai 2023" could be the name of a pink band, but I doubt it.

128 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-04-05 10:53 ID:iN2q2WaG

129 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-04-10 11:55 ID:dSp7jsxe


130 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-04-19 09:29 ID:iN2q2WaG

131 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2023-04-27 21:42 ID:5iIZ0IUf

spambot on general

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