If you spot something that needs moderator attention, post about it here.
Specify the exact thread and post number(s) if possible.
Previously: https://4-ch.net/req/kareha.pl/1150374763/
Img nerds attention
pls ban everyone on this website
/img/ cock spam
CP link in the remilia scarlet thread on /img/
/img/ cp link
bot or weird pink link guy
img cp
/dqn/ dodgy link
Requesting sticky next time.
CP spam in img
Some dodgy spam on /games/
Happy xmas! C-P on /img/
/img/ cp links
Delete https://4-ch.net/ascii/kareha.pl/1673216757/ since i merged the thread to https://4-ch.net/ascii/kareha.pl/1673309640/
Shit thread on dqn
/img/ cp...
/img/ cp
Another one on img
Can you tell if it's automated or manual?
I think the guy who was spamming about animation and drawing is back and now posting about writing on /img/
>>102 He's doing no harm... yet...
/img/ pizza au fromage
Some sort of new onlyfans spam now?
img seepee
He's up to 6 incoherent threads now!
Remind me to copypaste this somewhere once /language/ is open again.
620 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2022-06-29 14:01 ID:Heaven
Ixrec's Guide to Japanese
621 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2023-01-29 13:08 ID:Heaven
Apparently I can use F9 or ctrl-t to type widetext with microsoft IME. Other F buttons do similar things.
622 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2023-02-06 16:16 ID:Heaven
I wonder why 青 can mean both blue and green, maybe 緑 is a later addition to the language?
there's a whole theory about this
also traditionally the rainbow was seen as having just 5 colors in east asia
(precisely due to having less recognized colors)
japan used to recognize just 4 colors initially (black, white, red and blue)
virtually all languages seem to have followed this pattern
it's really green-blue but (since it's not differentiated yet)
and it was meant to be the color of plants
<- so the color of his eyes
alternatively they were meant to be all the colors of the sky
("""red""" in the traditional color scheme was very much the color of dawn/dusk)
well wiki explains as much
white, the color of life
black, the color of death
red, the color of blood
blue, the color of her eyes
623 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2023-02-07 12:58 ID:Heaven
apparently you need to type wyi to get ゐ
CP spam on DQN.
Could you put filters that prevent certain strings from being posted? They often use "CP" and other reoccurring strings in the posts with random characters breaking it up.
then block c0000001p, c00000002p, c0000003p, and so on. Yeah, make lives of everyone more annoying.
there's a guy spamming nigger wall of texts in every single thread on General
img cp
CP spam as a reply this time on /img/
/img/ C-P
Seems like link field spam with random body text that doesn't relate to the thread
spam in dqn
"Barrewtt Kosh Spits On My Cock Then Sits On My Cock in Dubai 2023" could be the name of a pink band, but I doubt it.
spambot on general
He (?) changes it everytime I update the spam filters, so far the best antidote is to just delete it quickly.
CP /img/
cp /img/
img again
and again img
general again
/img/ couple threads down
cp link in a pic
https://4-ch.net/img/res/1576.html#i4539 (post 4539)
cp img
I'm not sure if this is a legitimate thread or some kind of weird link field spam based on https://4-ch.net/japan/kareha.pl/1670678795/ (probably with human involvement since the OP text is different)
Your decision, admin
img cp again
Dodgy shit (the bad kind) on /img/
img again
I didn't click the link but I feel it's a pretty safe assumption that it's nothing relevant to the 15 year old thread, or good.
CP spam in /img/, a few threads down i the burger girls thread
Dodgy child things in img
Perhaps Sam can be of help without SEO!
with our*
link on general