Coding Challenge #2! (115)

1 Name: Yaranaika Daddy!K./5Izeg0I 05/01/08(Sat)11:21 ID:Heaven This thread was merged from the former /code/ board. You can view the archive here.

Alright people who know how to tell there computer what to do and how to get there... I bring you a challenge from the interweb.


Objective: To create the most productive/useful code that as source code is no larger than 4 kilobytes (4096 bytes). There is no restrictions as to what your code does, or what language it is used in.


  • The code must be yours, and you must be willing to give your code out to the public domain.
  • You must state EXACTLY what your code does. If it is malicious you must state what it does/exploit.
  • There is no restriction on what language, however markup languages are not allowed. Javascript/VBScript are, and any HTML required to perform the task is not counted towards the byte tally however objects calling to Javascript/VBScript do.
  • Common standard libraries (.h files, javabeans, perl modules etc) are allowed and dont count towards the byte tally.
  • You can use as many seperate files in your source code as you wish.
  • If you code requires to be compiled to run, it must be able to compile without a problem. For C and other languages that require a makefile, these will not go towards the byte tally.
  • Any other data in the form of databases, information etc that isn't a part of the code also does not count towards the byte tally.
  • If your program requires parameters to begin, you must state what they do.


89 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2006-07-04 18:21 ID:pDZW8xx/

I've been learning Perl recently, and I made this small program to encrypt/decrypt text and files using one-time pads (more on one-time pads here, if there's interest:

Don't expect this code to be very good, but I would love any constructive criticisim (or destructive, whatever)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

-g output-file num: generates keytext file of length num. makes file of length 1024
if num is omitted.

-e file-to-encrypt output-file a-keyfile : encrypts file-to-encrypt with a-keyfile. if
a-keyfile is omitted, script uses file 'keyfile'.

-d file-to-decrypt output-file a-keyfile : decrypts file-to-decrypt with a-keyfile. if
a-keyfile is omitted, script uses file 'keyfile'.

if (not @ARGV)
print "try supplying some arguments : )\nview the source for a guide.\n";

sub rand_char{
return chr(rand 255);

sub crypt($$$){
($arg eq "-e" )?chr(($letter+$keyletter)%255):
($arg eq "-d" )?chr(($letter-$keyletter)%255):
if($ARGV[0] eq '-ga' || $ARGV[0] eq '-g')
my $keytext='';
my $length=($ARGV[2])?$ARGV[2]:1024;
$keytext.=rand_char while $length--;
open KEYFILE, ">$ARGV[1]" or die "couldn't open $ARGV[1] for output: $!";
print KEYFILE $keytext;

90 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2006-07-04 18:21 ID:pDZW8xx/

wow, I already fucked that up. here's the bottom half of the code

if($ARGV[0] eq '-e'||$ARGV[0] eq '-ea'||$ARGV[0] eq '-d'||$ARGV[0] eq '-da')
open INPUT, "<$ARGV[1]" or die "couldn't open $ARGV[1] for input: $!";
open OUTPUT, ">$ARGV[2]" or die "couldn't open $ARGV[2] for output: $!";
open KEY, ($ARGV[3])?"<$ARGV[3]":"<keyfile";
my @input=split //, join("\n", <INPUT>);
my @key=split //, <KEY>;
foreach (@input)
my $letter=ord($_);
my $keyletter=ord(shift @key);
print OUTPUT &crypt($ARGV[0],$letter,$keyletter);
close INPUT;
close OUTPUT;
close KEY;

91 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2006-07-05 11:24 ID:0v0rN81H


Your "one-time pad" is trivially breakable if you generate it like that. Seriously. It is far weaker than even DES. You need a file of real, cryptographic-strength random data, and that's non-trivial to generate.

Also, you're taking a layman's description of one-time pads too literally if you're using + and - to encrypt. Just use a proper XOR and you won't need separate encryption and decryption modes, either.

92 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2006-07-05 11:31 ID:Heaven

Also, my @input=split //, join("\n", <INPUT>); is a bug. You want my @input=split //, join("", <INPUT>);

Cryptographically you're also missing a whole lot of important features, such as a check that you have enough pad to encrypt the whole data, and a method to make sure you never re-use any part of the pad.

93 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-15 09:50 ID:Js2IPEuK


94 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-15 11:41 ID:ecaBvNB/

None of you are expert programmers. I have read the SICP, I know the abstract bullshite. I believe I am the Sussman's love child. Not enough of you are using Lisp (Possibly none of you, I do not check lesser languages on lesser boards). If you all achieved satori, you could become expert programmers like me, and sometimes shaft the paying customers, but have a lot of fun.

I have one word for all of you; the forced indentation of code.

95 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-15 12:19 ID:Heaven

Fuck off back to /prog/, animal.

96 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-15 14:58 ID:BbLx3uBl

I am from /prog/

GREETINS folks ;]

97 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-18 22:09 ID:f4IaOfy4

I am from Prague too!

98 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-19 23:08 ID:Uc1GmzG7


99 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-21 12:16 ID:PQV22FrQ

use strict;
use warnings;
my $sleep = 2000+int(rand(1500)); #Some days are better for fishing than others
open(FISH, "") || die("Couldn't open $!");
my @fish = <FISH>;
my $fish = @fish;

foreach my $typeOfFish (@fish) {

chomp $typeOfFish;


while (1) {

my $thisIsTheFloorGrid = int(rand(80)) +1;
my $typeOfFish = @fish[int(rand($fish))];
system("xmessage A $typeOfFish appears in grid $thisIsTheFloorGrid");
sleep $sleep+int(rand(800));


100 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-21 14:37 ID:Wx1whgYA

I am taking 100GET to tell >>99 to next time read the notice at the top of the board, there is no retarded BBCode here you idiot!

101 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-21 14:37 ID:Heaven

That's great. Carpet fishing.

102 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-22 16:15 ID:YCkegZ+g

Which is very unfortunate. I haven't been able to get my ``EXPERT BBCODE'' fix for a few days.

103 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-20 01:57 ID:Ly9pCEoR

104 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-20 19:08 ID:OOD/GMZb

The averaging solution to Laplace's equation. More specifically, it's a 1000V and a -1000V wire near each other in a conducting pipe and I find the voltage in the pipe. While ago though, I've to look it up to see if that's right. Used symmetry to speed it up. You can change the shape and the wire's voltage and get rid of the symmetry. Graphs the result. It's in Matlab. Am I cool yet?


a = 0.5;
x = 0:1/200:a;
y = 0:1/200:a;

s = zeros(m,n);

[u1,u2] = meshgrid(y.^2,x.^2); % shape
out = find(u1+u2 >= a^2); % points outside the circle

e = 1;
while e<1000,

e = e + 1;
s = ([s(2,:) ; s(1:end-1,:)] ...
+ [s(2:end,:) ; zeros(1,n)] ...
+ [zeros(m,1) s(:,1:end-1)] ...
+ [s(:,2:end) zeros(m,1)])/4; % averaging
s(out) = 0; % outside pipe
s(1,5) = 10; % the 1000V wire
s(:,1) = 0; % y = 0


s1 = [flipud(s) ; s(2:end,:)];
s2 = [fliplr(-s1) s1(:,2:end)]; % symmetry across the y-axis

105 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-23 18:26 ID:6rn5Nb8P

reposting this from /prog/ (hi guys!) to compete in the 4K challenge:

<html><head><title>CBC using Mersenne Twister</title><style>body { color: white; background-color: black; }</style><script type="text/javascript">
N = 624;
M = 397;
MATRIX_A = 0x9908b0df;
UPPER_MASK = 0x80000000;
LOWER_MASK = 0x7fffffff;
var mt = new Array(N);
var mti = N+1;
function unsigned32 (n1) { return n1 < 0 ? (n1 ^ UPPER_MASK) + UPPER_MASK : n1; }
function subtraction32 (n1, n2) { return n1 < n2 ? unsigned32((0x100000000 - (n2 - n1)) & 0xffffffff) : n1 - n2; }
function addition32 (n1, n2) { return unsigned32((n1 + n2) & 0xffffffff) }
function multiplication32 (n1, n2) {var sum = 0;for (var i = 0; i < 32; ++i){if ((n1 >>> i) & 0x1){sum = addition32(sum, unsigned32(n2 << i));}}return sum;}
function init_genrand(s){mt[0]= unsigned32(s & 0xffffffff);for (mti=1; mti<N; mti++) {mt[mti] = addition32(multiplication32(1812433253, unsigned32(mt[mti-1] ^ (mt[mti-1] >>> 30))), mti);mt[mti] = unsigned32(mt[mti] & 0xffffffff);}}
function init_by_array(init_key, key_length){var i, j, k;init_genrand(19650218);i=1; j=0;k = (N>key_length ? N : key_length);for (; k; k--) {mt[i] = addition32(addition32(unsigned32(mt[i] ^ multiplication32(unsigned32(mt[i-1] ^ (mt[i-1] >>> 30)), 1664525)), init_key[j]), j);mt[i] = unsigned32(mt[i] & 0xffffffff);i++; j++; if (i>=N) { mt[0] = mt[N-1]; i=1; } if (j>=key_length) j=0; } for (k=N-1; k; k--) {mt[i] = subtraction32(unsigned32((dbg=mt[i]) ^ multiplication32(unsigned32(mt[i-1] ^ (mt[i-1] >>> 30)), 1566083941)), i);mt[i] = unsigned32(mt[i] & 0xffffffff);i++; if (i>=N) { mt[0] = mt[N-1]; i=1; } } mt[0] = 0x80000000; }
function genrand_int32() { var y; var mag01 = new Array(0x0, MATRIX_A); if (mti >= N) { var kk; if (mti == N+1) init_genrand(5489); for (kk=0;kk<N-M;kk++) { y = unsigned32((mt[kk]&UPPER_MASK)|(mt[kk+1]&LOWER_MASK)); mt[kk] = unsigned32(mt[kk+M] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1]); } for (;kk<N-1;kk++) { y = unsigned32((mt[kk]&UPPER_MASK)|(mt[kk+1]&LOWER_MASK)); mt[kk] = unsigned32(mt[kk+(M-N)] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1]); } y = unsigned32((mt[N-1]&UPPER_MASK)|(mt[0]&LOWER_MASK)); mt[N-1] = unsigned32(mt[M-1] ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1]); mti = 0; } y = mt[mti++]; y = unsigned32(y ^ (y >>> 11)); y = unsigned32(y ^ ((y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680)); y = unsigned32(y ^ ((y << 15) & 0xefc60000)); y = unsigned32(y ^ (y >>> 18)); return y; }
function l() { pass = document.getElementById("pass").value; if (pass) { init_by_array(pass,pass.length); return true; } else { alert('ENTER PASSWORD FIRST'); return false; } }
function dec2hex(i) { hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; r = i % 16; s = hex.charAt((i-r)/16) + hex.charAt(r); return s; }
function e() { if (l()) { iv = Math.floor(Math.random()*256); body = document.getElementById("body").value; result = dec2hex(iv); for (i=0;i<body.length;i++) { if ((i+1)%30 == 0) result = result + "\n"; iv = (body.charCodeAt(i)+iv+genrand_int32())%256; result = result + dec2hex(iv); } document.getElementById("body").value = result; } }
function d() { if (l()) { r = /[^0-9A-F]/g; body = document.getElementById("body").value.replace(r,""); result = ""; for(i=1;(i*2)<body.length;i++) { s=(parseInt(body.substr(i*2,2),16)-parseInt(body.substr((i-1)*2,2),16)-genrand_int32()); if (s<0) { s=256-((-s)%256); } result = result + String.fromCharCode(s); } document.getElementById("body").value = result; } }
Cipher Block Chaining using the Mersenne Twister (check wikipedia)

Password: <input class="inputText" type="password" value="anonIRCd" id="pass">

<textarea id="body" rows="20" cols="65"></textarea>

<input id="encrypt" type="button" value="Encrypt" onclick="e();"> <input id="decrypt" type="button" value="Decrypt" onclick="d();">

what does anon think?


106 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-23 18:45 ID:Hnry8iXO

> what does anon think?
Unlike Blum Blum Shub, the algorithm in its native form is not suitable for cryptography.

PS: "anon" lives at 4chan. Here we are anonymous, not Anonymous.

107 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-27 05:20 ID:xxFWOzRb

Monads in Javascript

// Monad stuff
function bindM(m ,k)
return function (s) {
tmp = m(s);
a = tmp[0]; s_ = tmp[1];
return k(a)(s_);
function thenM(m,k) { return bindM(m,function(_){return k;}); }
function returnM(v) { return function (s) { return [v,s]; } }
function evalS(m,s) { return m(s)[0]; }
function getS(s) { return [s,s]; }
function putS(s) { return function(_) { return [null,s]; } }
function doM(m) {
if (arguments.length == 1) return m;
else if (arguments.length % 2 && arguments.length >= 2) {
var rest =;
return arguments[1](m, doM.apply(this, rest));
else throw ("doM: Error: Arguments mismatch.");
function mapM(k,l) {
if (l.length > 0) return doM(
, bindM
, function (item) { return doM(
, bindM
, function (rest) {
if (rest)
return returnM(item.concat(rest));
return returnM(item);
); }
return returnM(null);
// Parse stuff
function parse(parser, input) { return evalS(parser, input); }
function throwInt(msg,input) { 
var e = new Error();
e.message = [msg,input]; = 'PARSE_ERROR'; throw e;
/// Combinators
function choice_(m,k) {
return function (s) {
try {
return m(s);
catch (e) {
switch ( {
if (e.message[1].length != s.length) throw e;
else return k(s);
throw e;
function try_(m) {
return function (s) {
try {
return m(s);
catch (e) {
switch ( {
e.message[1] = s; // Pretend we haven't consumed input
throw e;
throw e;
var letter_ = doM( 
, bindM
, function (input) {
if (input.length == 0)
return throwInt("Unexpected end of input, expected letter",input);
if (input.match(/^[a-z]/i))
return doM( putS(input.slice(1)) ,thenM, returnM(input[0]) );
return throwInt("Expected letter ([a-zA-Z])",input);
function char_(c) {
return doM(
, bindM
, function (input) {
if (input.length == 0)
return throwInt("Unexpected end of input, expected '" + c + "'",input);
if (input[0] == c)
return doM( putS(input.slice(1)) ,thenM, returnM(c) );
return throwInt("Expected character '" + c + "'",input);
function string_(str) {
return mapM(char_,str);
// Run a parser
function run(parser,string) {
print("Parse output:");
try {
catch (e) {
switch ( {
print("Parse failed: " + e.message[0] + ", input: " + e.message[1]);
throw e;

108 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-27 05:20 ID:Heaven


// Example parsers
// Parse some parentheses
function parens(s) {
return choice_( doM( char_('(')
, thenM
, parens
, thenM
, char_(')')
, thenM
, parens
, returnM(null)
var testOr = choice_( string_("(a)")
, string_("(b)") );
var testOr1 = doM( char_('(')
, thenM
, choice_( char_('a') , char_('b') )
, thenM
, char_(')')
var testOr2 = choice_( try_( string_("(a)") )
, string_("(b)")
var testOr3 = choice_( doM( try_( string_("(a") )
, thenM
, char_(')')
, thenM
, returnM("(a)")
, string_("(b)")
function nesting(s) { 
return choice_(
, thenM
, nesting
, bindM
, function (n) {
return doM(
, thenM
, nesting
, bindM
, function (m) {
return returnM(Math.max(n+1, m));
, returnM(0)

109 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-27 05:22 ID:Heaven

Usage: var nestcount = run(nesting,"((()))");

110 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-05-01 05:38 ID:ohi6hRRc

//Coded by drwho
// Knight's Tour program where moves are base on on horizontal and vertical
// arrays and are accessed by a random number generator. This does only 64
// moves but can be increased. the 0 on the board is the night
// I didn't know how to get C to print out both characters and integers
// or else I would have made the knight k (%c didn't work and just displays
// weird shit). Question? I idle in #4-ch on synirc so come by

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int j, currentrow, currentcolumn, lastmover, lastmovec, counta, moves, check;
static movenumber;
int horizontal[8]={2,1,-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2};
int vertical[8]={-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,1};
int board[8][8]={


currentrow = 3;
currentcolumn = 3;
board[currentrow][currentcolumn] = 0;
moves = 0;
check = 0;
//time seed
srand ( time(NULL) );
for (counta = 1; counta < 65; counta++){

printf("Knights Round Program\n");
// random move number with time seed
movenumber = rand() % 8;
currentrow += horizontal[movenumber];
currentcolumn += vertical[movenumber];

if(currentrow > 8 || currentrow < 0 || currentcolumn > 8 || currentcolumn < 0){
currentrow = lastmover;
currentcolumn = lastmovec;
check = board[currentrow][currentcolumn];
if(check == 0){ board[lastmover][lastmovec]; }
else{board[currentrow][currentcolumn] = 0;}

// The Board
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[0][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[1][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[2][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[3][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[4][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[5][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[6][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[7][j]);}
printf("Row: %d | Column: %d\n", currentrow, currentcolumn);
if(currentrow != lastmover && currentcolumn != lastmovec){moves++;}
lastmover = currentrow;
lastmovec = currentcolumn;
printf("Moves: %d\n", moves);

if(counta == 64){
printf("Knights Round Program\n");
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[0][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[1][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[2][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[3][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[4][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[5][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[6][j]);}
for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[7][j]);}
printf("Row: %d | Column: %d\n", currentrow, currentcolumn);
printf("Moves: %d\n", moves);
return 0;

//Time Delay



111 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-05-01 07:56 ID:ohi6hRRc

//Coded by drwho
// Update: Thanks to a friend from 2600 I was able to shorten the code for the
// chess board. Now that is real hacking!
// Knight's Tour program where moves are base on on horizontal and vertical
// arrays and are accessed by a random number generator. This does only 64
// moves but can be increased. the 0 on the board is the night
// I didn't know how to get C to print out both characters and integers
// or else I would have made the knight k (%c didn't work and just displays
// weird shit). Question? I idle in #4-ch on synirc so come by

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int j, i, currentrow, currentcolumn, lastmover, lastmovec, counta, moves, check;
static movenumber;
int horizontal[8]={2,1,-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2};
int vertical[8]={-1,-2,-2,-1,1,2,2,1};
int board[8][8]={


currentrow = 3;
currentcolumn = 3;
board[currentrow][currentcolumn] = 0;
moves = 0;
check = 0;
//time seed
srand ( time(NULL) );
for (counta = 1; counta < 65; counta++){

printf("Knights Round Program\n");
// random move number with time seed
movenumber = rand() % 8;
currentrow += horizontal[movenumber];
currentcolumn += vertical[movenumber];

if(currentrow > 8 || currentrow < 0 || currentcolumn > 8 || currentcolumn < 0){
currentrow = lastmover;
currentcolumn = lastmovec;
check = board[currentrow][currentcolumn];
if(check == 0){ board[lastmover][lastmovec]; }
else{board[currentrow][currentcolumn] = 0;}

// The Board
for(i=0;i<8;i++) { for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[i][j]);} printf("\n"); }
printf("Row: %d | Column: %d\n", currentrow, currentcolumn);
if(currentrow != lastmover && currentcolumn != lastmovec){moves++;}
lastmover = currentrow;
lastmovec = currentcolumn;
printf("Moves: %d\n", moves);

if(counta == 64){
printf("Knights Round Program\n");
for(i=0;i<8;i++) { for(j=0;j<8;j++){printf("%d", board[i][j]);} printf("\n"); }
printf("Row: %d | Column: %d\n", currentrow, currentcolumn);
printf("Moves: %d\n", moves);
return 0;

//Time Delay



112 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-05-02 16:51 ID:Heaven

113 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2014-04-10 20:19 ID:mTcepw93

Why not just implement an interpreter for lisp or something. That's as useful as you can get because you can implement any other program in that.

114 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2014-04-12 08:58 ID:OPaAx9vm

ok I hav it giv me a sec XDD

mysqld > /dev/usr/in > < > ee.ttt
dc -e "5 6 * + +" > ff.rrrr
cat ee.ttt ff.rrrr > src.c
gcc -Wall -O3 src.c -o exe

ders my code XDD u need the /devusr/in file tho XDDD

115 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2021-12-07 09:38 ID:Heaven

>source code must be 4 kb
>not the resulting executable

lol cucks.

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