1 Name: 200X : 2014-11-19 18:51 ID:08QYalts

Remember those wacky early 00s amd athlon xps?
I had one. I just got 8 extra fps in QIII and because of overheating got my CP burned. AMD was shit. Then I bought intel pentium 4 2ghz and still use it to this day.

Fuck unstable ATHLON

2 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2014-11-22 07:13 ID:Heaven

All desktop chips are shit. If you think you need to overclock your processor, the rest of your machine is probably shit, too. The first laptop I ever bought had a 1.6GHz Turion (MT-30), and it ran circles around the 3GHz Pentium 4 desktop that my dad bought a year later, and used less than a third the power (25W vs 89W).

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5 Name: 4n0n4ym0u5 h4xx0r : 2020-08-02 05:36 ID:qcJgLxXr

this thread aged well

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