No thank you!
i dont trust them
Just read the source code, bitch.
It's the most readable shit out there. Simple and to the point.
let's get to 1000 by shitty reimplementations of basic unix tools!
All other implementations are bad. Something everyone messed up, for example, is UTF-8. This video @11:08 explains why have suckless unix tools: http://dl.sta.li/slcon/2015/slcon-2015-01-frign-suckless_core.webm
Why do these tools have true and false?
No new interfaces but they still bother with this obsolete shit.
I'm pretty sure Plan 9 didn't mess up UTF-8...
Yeah, .webm isn't suckless enough. .ogg only, please!
What's obsolete about Boolean logic?
>(exit) and (exit 1) do the exact same thing in any modern shell.
not for long
you really think everyone is going to go back to using the thompson shell, almost 40 years after it became obsolete?
suckless has some bad political/economic perspectives in their /sucks/ area, so it makes their philosophy, and thus, their software suspect, by association
Can you give some examples? All I'm seeing that might be considered "political" is the view that C++ is bad.
suckless sucks