Javascript and webdev (38)

12 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-06-18 20:24 ID:Heaven

Updated >>7 script:
*) Now it works with themes other than the default one (thanks >>11, new code is around just_hardcode_peeked_post_background_color variable, now it looks better).
*) Clicking on board now opens thread list for that board. The general and dqn thread list takes too long to get created, need to improve that.
*) Added a few links for personal usage, feel free to delete those, search for img/res/2664.html in the code to find those.

I feel like I need to rewrite a lot in this thing. My number one priority is ability to favorite threads, I need to display favorited threads above all other threads, and I need a lot of switches like [sort by new][sort by bump][sort by length][show faved threads only][show unhidden threads only][show all threads][show hidden threads only][only show threads with new replies+]. I want people to be able to forget about this site for a few months, visit it again, and to read the threads that interest them first.

The other thing is, I use list of lists when I could've used list of objects. I do "change[change_type]" (where changes_type = 0) instead of "change.type", had some brainfart about wanting to use variable length objects, but I now think that it's better to just have some unused fields. Maybe list of objects will have a slightly better performance than list of lists, if I create objects with all elements they'll ever need instead of creating them one by one. Maybe need to use the "new" keyword, ttps:// . Caring about performance in javascript, sounds silly already.

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