Javascript and webdev (38)

37 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2022-12-27 19:14 ID:A/3R8tzr

Updated Refresher
I changed my browser, and saw in action the issue >>28 was having. Fixed that, now text field wouldn't get bigger on every character input.

Maybe I need to get myself git already. It's so much clicking around whenever I want to upload a text file, it's pretty annoying.

Tried to move from Violentmonkey to Tampermonkey, but Violentmonkey just works better for me for some reason, and has built in code editor. I think Tampermonkey injects script a bit too fast for my code to handle, I need to add extra checks and do "run this a bit later if this element still wasn't loaded yet".

Tried to move from javascript to typescript, but firefox doesn't support loading scripts from hard drive, only chrome does. Is there a way to make chrome tabs behave the way firefox tabs do, that is, not shrink into nearly nothingness once there are too many of them?

Tried to get this script to run on mobile devices, but the only browser on android that supports userscripts is that weird kiwi browser, and I think that one shows ads, not worth it.

This script breaks whenever threads get moved from board to board, you need to delete all associated data when that happens. I will maybe fix this one day.

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