Computers should last a long time (30)

15 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2023-02-24 11:42 ID:+bUE/FkH

Continued from...

I've played the game of trying to teach people why most of the technology in popular use is bad. Windows, Facebook, pretty much anything to do with cell phones, Discord, you name it, I've tried explaining it. The result, from 99.9% of people, will be one of two things: (1) "I know! These companies are bad. :( Sooo creepy. But I'm not going to stop using these products because I don't care and I have nothing to hide. (2) "I didn't know that, but I still don't care and I'm not going to stop."

If one more motherfucker tries to get me to join Discord I'm going to lose my mind. Discord is garbage, spyware, yadda yadda you already know all of this. Have you noticed that even "professionals" and companies are using it now? It sickens me. People have no idea how the technology works (against them), and even if they do know, they don't care.

As a brief aside, "muh games" isn't an excuse anymore; if you must gayme you can do so easily on Linux these days, or at the very least have a dedicated gaymer machine that you only use for games and nothing else. Compartmentalize.

Here's the reality that I think people like us need to come to accept: people are stupid. Very, very stupid. I mean borderline literally-not-figuratively retarded.

Whoever reads this, don't just pass that line over. If you're one of the few that "gets it" like the guy I'm replying to here, this is a key "blackpill" to understand. And I know, I understand that you might be thinking, "Well, they just don't know. We need to educate them."

You cannot educate them. You cannot help them. They are too stupid. Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or any of these people could piss on their face and they would ask for more.

What's the solution? Well, there isn't one. At least not for the greater swathes of humanity. I believe that there will always be pockets of people like us. People who work on and share free, privacy respecting software. People willing to create and maintain anonymization networks, or untraceable, fungible cryptocurrencies, or decentralized E2E communication platforms.

But we will always be in the minority.

If you crave human interaction, well, you'd better start looking for it in small online communities, because unless you find someone IRL with half a brain that's willing to listen to you AND actually change their behavior, online is probably going to be the only way to meet people that "get it". (And even here it's tough.)

To the man behind post 13, I just want you to know that you're not alone. I'm so pleased to have encountered someone with such strong convictions about what they know to be true and right. You will NEVER be a slave.

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