Which Linux distro should I use? (65)

9 Name: Anonymous Techie : 2023-06-14 07:30 ID:Q/0HLRir

It is not as hasslesome to reinstall linux distros as it is to reinstall windows, it can be fairly easy because you just copy over your home directory with your settings and files (or not destroy the partition it was on). With that in mind just view your first distro as training wheels, which you can change once you've learned the basic concepts. So just give those a try for a few weeks and then you'll know what you want and don't want in a linux distro.
Personally I started with MX Linux because it ran off a USB, was advertised as beginner friendly, and I was told to avoid systemd (which has caused problems sometimes because many packages (applications) forget to list it as a dependency). I would recommend it.

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