I honestly can't stand most programming or Linux Youtubers (in a very broad sense). It's either all really mediocre and boring, or just outright bad. One example are all those distro/window manager/text editor showcasing channels, that do nothing else all day than show you some obscure, probably useless piece of software, which is the completely same as all the other softwares of it's kind and has no redeeming features or anything. You don't learn anything while watching them and it's just a waste of time, because what they say can be easily looked up in man page, or README file. There is also all those programming-themed channels, that talk a lot about programming, but in reality never actually program, yet like to participate in all the holy wars there are. That's so far the side of tech Youtube, that I'm aware of. There is also all those hardware "showcasing" (in reality it's just ads) channels, but I never bothered with them, because I never felt the urge to have to know what new hardware thee is on the market and what stats it has. For similar reasons I don't follow all those tech news channels, since most noteworthy news are going to reach me anyway, so it's not worth keeping up with them deliberately.
It's all so tiresome and washed out. Also I doubt it is ever going to change. That being said, there are some channels, which make tech content, which I like (in no particular order):