damn that giid (3)

2 Name: yep : 2014-01-27 17:11 ID:dcFD79FC

Elle Uk twitter.

On Thursday we will reveal pics from our shoot with Mr @twhiddleston. Also, a special short film he made. Until then, here is a quote: "I don't know my boundaries. I just say yes to things" He's not kidding either

That's sound REAAAAALLY interesting (sarcasm)

3 Name: anonymous : 2014-02-07 16:50 ID:6PqdRdxn

Well, look at the protector of women, taking pics while going to TheBox

Here is the debunk made by another fan

I don't know The Box reputation, from what I read it's filthy, hence my sarcasm, but that fan debunking aside, my question is: would he really be dumb enough to take a selfie with fans while going to that place, well knowing it will end up on the internet?

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