Twitter is the KFC of film criticism. (7)

1 Name: 4ct!3lWjo8kf8k : 2014-05-11 17:02 ID:Heaven

Twitter is the KFC of film criticism (even retarded people can use it like SFBE) where such things can be propagated more easily, and in a way can be used as a weapon, a very powerful destructive force for evil in the wrong hands.

Once film criticism was used to inform, and now as a smear campaign.

2 Name: Pouch Cotato : 2014-09-08 01:56 ID:PR52Pzb4


So a film critic is different from a film reviewer?

3 Name: Couch Potato : 2014-09-24 16:21 ID:QPqQ0yuH

>>2 hes saying real film critics don't have ulterior motives.

4 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-01-26 00:28 ID:NM93c5q6

>propagated more easily, and in a way can be used as a weapon, a very powerful destructive force for evil in the wrong hands.

Thanks for the laugh

5 Post deleted.

6 Name: Couch Potato : 2015-07-21 11:11 ID:Heaven

You do know 4ct is just trolling you guys?

7 Name: lex : 2015-08-06 07:27 ID:SRyPWSYi

There is no way to fix it, people will judge Tom in any ways.
I don care about EO, I hope she will burn in PR hell

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