Tom Hiddleston 7 (1000)

252 Name: NewAnon : 2016-03-01 02:09 ID:Xfxv9xZA

>>251 If you liked that then you need to check out thiddyastro on tumblr. I'm not going to give away too many spoilers but she echoes the same sentiment as psychic gossip. Great career, dark personal life. Currently, she and a friend of hers are predicting loads of health problems for Tom and some "bad company". You should give it a read. Definitely search out the love and astrology tag on there and search for solar arc. Her whole take on THEO is worth a read as well. There's also some gems on Tom and his past life where he was a woman who married for money and was miserable and that's why he's wary of relationships and marriage. Like you said, you couldn't make it up.

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