Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

195 Name: Anonon : 2016-05-03 07:41 ID:elafTZq/

>>194 EO was conspicuously absent considering she was a confirmed attendee and has a talk show appearance in NY tomorrow
Her sisters... Grey Gardens.

Some ridiculous theories on TH and TS (and EO):

1) TS is newly single (demonstrated by the sudden change of hair color)
2) TS is still in a committed relationship (TH you homewrecker!)
3) TS was a fellow guest last night at Anna Wintours. According to tabloids she went clubbing afterwards.
TH joined her (or is that johnned her) all night. EO found out and in a fit of jealous rage she boycotted the gala (really reaching here)
4) TS and TH both enjoyed dancing together then the spark faded (see exhibit >>193) and they went their separate ways.
5) EO couldn't find anything to wear. All the bad dresses were taken.

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