Tom Hiddleston 9 (1000)

171 Name: ?? : 2016-06-25 08:58 ID:INLrnF7w

>>170 You can't, after this is over or I get bored I'm legitimately out of the fandom. Not because of his relationship, I'm a-ok with that. Or the PR part because we all have public faces, and they don't reflect who we are privately. Lord knows if you talk to me at work, I'm a professional. And so are they.

I'm just a moralistic snob and he lost me at the cheating. There's no way around the timeline where there wasn't at least emotional cheating, and he was on board with it. But no, it's business you can't trust a thing and shouldn't. He probably has a basis of the qualities everyone admired. But those don't make a complete person, just an aspect that was focused on for the professional mask. He's changing that, showing more or simply using the sudden shift as tinder to bonfire the entire thing and start from scratch.

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