Tom Hiddleston 9 (1000)

223 Name: Anon. : 2016-06-25 17:02 ID:vqQuPn8c

>>214 His father married again? I didn't know that.

It does look like the whole family is gathering. For an engagement party? Not if they want us to buy this at all. If they spring an engagement on us this soon there's only one thing people will be talking about: timeline!! They will try to sell the 2 week whirlwind courtship ( love, romance, he's the one) but people will talk about when this pairing really paired up. Because even arranged marriages take longer to negotiate than 2 weeks. It might just be people online but with how the mainstream media seem to be treating them, I don't think it will just be CB and DListed pulling them out on the carpet for a good talking to

Loving the phone pic on theoanons's tumblr.

Gay - I would have said no before but now I'm not so sure because this relationship looks cooked up in a science lab? Famewhore - would have said no, but not now.

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