Tom Hiddleston 11 (1000)

192 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-07-15 06:20 ID:Heaven

I love that the media reacted the way we did, with even more scepticism. This is the Guardian's 5th article shading this.

I’ve been asking: “Is their relationship real or is it fake?” But these concepts do not apply here. It seems that much of what Taylor does is a game taking place in real life, or real life taking place in the form of a game. Perhaps, since everything is possible for her, everything is boring except bending reality just to see if it breaks, and employing human beings as actors, and actors as human beings.

That is: Hiddleswift is not a “video shoot”, as the BuzzFeed piece speculates. It is, rather, a showcase for Taylor’s patented brand of live action role playing that bleeds into “reality.

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