Tom Hiddleston 12 (1000)

1 Name: Anon. : 2016-07-26 12:59 ID:1Gv7ebAj

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston

551 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 01:22 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>550 Does this mean Taylor is about to launch her "Tom is a meanie and here's a song" campaign? As Tom's publicist he must be getting calls from tabloids and magazines to comment on whatever story they're getting to publish. Though personally I think he's commenting on the breakup rumors because this Tom Taylor circus is probably going to go on til the Emmy's massive eyeroll

552 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-09 01:34 ID:1Gv7ebAj

>>551 I think this was more a dig at what's been said about TH. I fear TH might be indulging in a little victimhood just like Miss Swift. Mean-spirited judgments = the Selena concert/t-shirt digs at TH (all deserved). False information = the conspiracy theories about the relationship and its true nature, etc.

I don't think it's over myself. I still have that strange feeling in my tummy (not baby related) in regards to these two. I wouldn't be surprised if we do see another pap stroll when he's in LA. She may even go back to Oz with him (couldn't before because of her performance at the b-day party). Of course, I want none of this to happen!

553 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 03:34 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>552 Lol maybe Luke should've done his job better instead of letting his client turn into the joke of the century in less than 36 hours flat.

I'm on the fence but majority of my body weight is leaning towards it not being over yet. But I'm wondering...if he's doing the SAG event to promote his Emmy nom, wouldn't a pap stroll with Taylor overshadow him and both his nominations like it's done so far? The industry news articles from the night will get buried by the tabloids covering date night and his pics from the event will definitely have lesser value than those of him with Taylor. Hmm...will serious actor Tom win out over thirsty for fame Tom?

554 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 03:37 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>552 I thought her singing at the bday party was impromptu with Nelly pulling her up onstage when he saw her dancing up front. I couldn't even hear her real voice over Kelly Rowland's lol that's embarrassing if it was a planned performance and theh didn't bother turning Kelly's voice down lol

555 Name: anonsy : 2016-08-09 03:42 ID:jk4W5Vi7

>>553 When he was in the States for SDCC, the only pap walk they did together was the one when they first arrived where you couldn't see his face. Then he was papped alone, went to SDCC alone, flew to NYC alone. It wasn't until he went back to Los Angeles that they did Date Night sponsored by J Brand and Etro. Based on this, it's my guess that he will try and keep the focus on his work like he did with SDCC, and we'll only get shots of them together if he's in town long enough for them to leave enough time after his Emmy promo to avoid overshadowing it.

556 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-09 03:50 ID:1Gv7ebAj

>>553 'Hmm...will serious actor Tom win out over thirsty for fame Tom?'

THE question. So far attention-whore Tom has serious actor Tom on the ropes. Serious actor Tom has taken a beating! And we're in the 7th round. Hopefully Million Dollar Tom sees the stool that is TS!

The WORK. Yep, that still exists, kinda. These are the deleted scenes from ISTL. I don't know if they've been posted. They're shit and wouldn't have helped the movie one bit as they're just as fragmentary as they rest of the film. Still some might be interested, maybe.

557 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 04:38 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>555 He'd have to leave a considerable gap between the SAG event and date night like he did with SDCC and date night, and who knows if he's getting that much time off. Also, last time the two had been together up until SDCC. Now they've been apart for two weeks and it's caused breakup rumors. Unless the breakup has happened, they'll wanna put up a united front and do a pap stroll ASAP. To be perfectly honest, I get a really good laugh out of how extra and comedic the two look together so I'll enjoy it. I'm hoping for the internally screaming eyes to have graduated to completely dead on the inside eyes now. The DListed article alone will be gold on that.

>>556 Famewhore Tom let serious actor Tom take his time to make himself a big name. Now he's done with the slow burn and willing to do whatever it takes to get his name out there, dignity and integrity be damned. Too bad the tactic gets his name and identity omitted more often than not.

558 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 05:20 ID:1R0DkkPA

I have no idea how reliable Celeb Dirty Laundry is but they completely ripped into Taylor. The whole thing cracked me up:

I'd copy paste the article but I feel like we should give these guys the clicks because holy crap, it is just straight bitchy lol The last paragraph is brutal:

"Unfortunately though, it doesn’t look like the ‘Thor’ actor is even paying attention, as there’s no doubt that he wouldn’t have worked so hard to stay away from her these last two weeks. Tom Hiddleston’s career and reputation is apparently more important to him than his summer fling with a self-obsessed chart topper who manipulates the media more than any other celebrity in the entertainment industry."

559 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 06:58 ID:0PIcPF8N

Thor is listed for production wrap on October 28 so there's still 3 months left which allows plenty of time for TH to travel back and forth for his Emmy campaign.
Brie was a frequent flyer during the SI shoot for her Oscar so I'm expecting much the same.
Given this is his first serious nomination and in light of his recent about- face to publicly parade his private life, I won't be surprised if Tayto amps up the stunts and remains grabby- hands for headlines.

560 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 07:21 ID:Heaven

TS papstroll in NY

Anonon, be strong when you look at this, her hair is atrocious.

561 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 07:54 ID:Heaven

>>550 his PR agent is as passive aggressive as his client

562 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 08:45 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>560 She didn't seem on her usual form at all during today's pap stroll. Does her sense of style fall apart when she doesn't have a boyfriend near her to dress accordingly to? Her curls looks fried and dry, I have no idea how the Swifties think that's a good look on her.

563 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 08:52 ID:1R0DkkPA

Lainey covered Taylor partying it up in the Hamptons and did a little recap of who Michael Hess is who's birthday party she was attending and has apparently been friends with for a while

Interesting how Tom has decided to have a girlfriend who has friends like Mike Hess and is okay with people using coded racism to defend her. So much authenticity.

564 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 09:07 ID:0PIcPF8N

>>560 I actually prefer this hairdo even though its also fug because it doesn't look deliberate.
The party hair was carefully coiffed with a curling wand into RINGLETS which is only acceptable for baby bridesmaids.
>>561 Passive Regressive
>>562 She's either getting sloppy or deliberately rolling out her new era called 'authentic' which has the added bonus of reeling back in the disheartened Swifties with nostalgia for curls.
>>563 I'm not liking any of her friends and I'm left wondering if I really know who his close friends are- perhaps they're just the same.

565 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 11:24 ID:Heaven

>>563,564 Always a new low with this girl. But her bubble of privilege is why she never drowns, Layney is right about that. The same isn't true for TH, as he is finding out.
I doubt TH knew all of TS friends when this started, I mean who would? But yeah, makes you wonder. TH also comes from an environment of privilege and probably his closest friends are fund trust kids too.

>>564 hahaha

566 Name: Savvy : 2016-08-09 11:27 ID:41jGI1uD

>>560 She really likes VERY short skirts, doesn't she? How does she sit or climb the stairs without showing her panties? She's 26 years old but dresses like a teenager. She has no class. If Tom only wants a famous girlfriend, at least he could go for a classy and sophisticated lady instead of this tween Barbie.

567 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 14:33 ID:0PIcPF8N

TH has set up an official insta account and selfied.

In terms of measuring the apocalypse, this would be close to the final wave, yes? Insta official with Tay by the end of the week- I'm calling it

568 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 14:39 ID:0PIcPF8N

>>566 Yes I also wondered how she bends over or sits down. We've all been there as children and I must say I revisited it as an adult briefly while living a life full of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.
I can only assume that her bored bodyguards have one duty and that is to keep an eye on her hemline

569 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 14:39 ID:Heaven

>>567 Predictable, terrible photo. TayTo is not over, at all.

After all the talk about how he doesn't like socials and he prefers to think properly about stuff, I bet he fell for instagram because his gf has a special tool to use to delete negative comments, so poor tommy boy won't have to deal with vitriol anymore.

570 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 14:48 ID:0PIcPF8N

>>569 Good point. Given the choice, I would prefer insta too for that same reason. The twats on twitter are a menace.

571 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 14:50 ID:1R0DkkPA

Lol his IG pic already has anti Taylor comments and snake emojis within an hour. I'm hoping that since Mark Ruffalo got a Snapchat for Marvel, that Tom got an IG for that too and not to promote Taylor and his circus with her.

572 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 15:00 ID:Heaven

>>571 And TS's fans are already asking him to follow her.
A few months back I would have said it was on Marvel suggestion, now I don't think so, after all he doesn't need instagram to post photos and promote Thor3.

I think it has a lot to do with not sounding old fashioned and out of place with technology and other actors. Plus the benefit I mentioned above.

573 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 15:03 ID:0PIcPF8N

>>571 Bwahahaaa I guess Tay hasn't extended her privilege to her 'bf'.

We all wait with baited breath to see who he follows..

I also wager his reception at CC instigated this- his most loyal and vocal fans are in the Marvel universe. The rest of us are divided and embittered.

574 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 15:06 ID:0PIcPF8N

>>572 A few months back we all would have thought this was another innocent and innocuous reach out to fans. Now it reeks of a deliberate and desperate attempt to reconnect after severing all ties after twitter has failed.

575 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 15:22 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>572>>573>>574 He's trying to win back fans now or cultivate more through Loki (only paying gig at the moment it seems). I do think this has more to do with his Emmy campaign and him trying to mend his dying fanbase more than Taylor but if he follows Taylor then we should get ready for the terrible Insta Stories they'll do together.

576 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 15:27 ID:Heaven

A comment to his photo:
"itscoolmanwhatevWhile Loki was once my fav.... Thanks for ruining him with your lame PR relationship."

Quick, quick, send a distress signal in the sky TH, a I♥TS to let your saviour know you are in peril.

I wonder if someone told him how much worse the comment system on instagram is compared to twitter.

577 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 15:33 ID:dqYXAy71

All is right in the world as the Fail goes back to shading TH, painting him as a desperado for her IG followers (there may be some truth in that)..

578 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 15:39 ID:dqYXAy71

He'll be on a jet plane in a jiffy to get to this event.
Los Angeles Times Talk on Thursday

579 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 15:40 ID:1R0DkkPA

Alright I don't know what it is but are him or his team removing comments already? There were a few telling Tom to break up with Taylor with snake emojis and they're gone now. There's a few new ones though. Maybe I missed them while scrolling? Either that or he's using the tool.

580 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 15:40 ID:Heaven

>>577 there's absolutely some truth in it.

"anushka1885Thank you for making @taylorswift happier than I've ever seen her💓💓💓"

I wonder what they'll write to him the first time they see him squeezing another actress or when/if they brekup.

581 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 15:44 ID:Heaven

>>578 is TS's jet on the move from NY to LA?

582 Name: Anon : 2016-08-09 15:46 ID:HnBAvsLN

Reeking of desperation. I reckon he won't follow her so he can tell himself it is all about the Werk.

583 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-09 15:47 ID:dqYXAy71

She is what I refer to as "double bagging"- that's two bags under the eyes. Either she has snorted Martha's Vineyard or cried a river. she most certainly looks like shit and someone will get fired for not photoshopping this.

584 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 15:49 ID:Heaven

>>579 I found these
"sexyhardyYou deserve someone better then that 🐍 you're with. Just saying."

"dragonfly5665q🐍🐍🐍 (this one posted twice)"


"erinolenkoCome back to the light don't need that snake to get famous. Your true fans will support you always."

"sabertooth67@marielelel he got himself an insta now too. Well I guess I will just say it here. @twhiddleston you have a good soul and are very smart. Yet you're too stupid to see that @taylorswift is a 🐍🐍🐍 you need to stay away before you get bit. God speed."

585 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 15:53 ID:Heaven

Goodness his comment section is inundated by her fans.

Anyway, LA Time Talk on Thursday and SAG-AFTRA on Friday.
Well, I did ask some event before my holidays.

586 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-09 15:54 ID:Heaven

>>579 and this one "_1599_Woohooo, but please come back without the 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍" I won't look for others because it's madness.

587 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 16:05 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>584 oh okay they're still there then and I just missed them scrolling. Those were the ones I was talking about. Phew was gonna get all tin foiled again otherwise

588 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-09 17:20 ID:1Gv7ebAj

>>582 He's reeked of that for a good long time now. I think about the fans constantly asking people what he smells like. He smells of lies, desperation and very faintly of reptile.

I'd put money on him following Marvel people (Hemsworth and the like) before following TS. But maybe they will double down on the true love and actually post some of the pics they took on the Tour duh Lurve 2016. (Duh intentional)

589 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-08-09 19:08 ID:yJpq0A3q

Duh. This is barely blind:

This A+ list singer has a tough decision to make this week

. She can keep going with her farce of a relationship up to and including the Emmy Awards and an engagement ring or listen to her PR people and end it with the too busy thing while her boyfriend is out of the country filming.

590 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-09 19:28 ID:1Gv7ebAj

His IG tag is now that pic - again, again, again. I wonder if Lukey had been noticing what I did the other day: TH wasn't in his IG tag - at all. TS, Seb Stan, Marvel and more Marvel, I <3 TS T-shirt pic memes, that one guy's lunch.

I guess this is a way to take back the IG tag.

PS He needs to avoid angles that focus on his forehead.

591 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 21:05 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>589 That sounds like something one of the fans might have sent in.

Btw, did you guys know that Taylor blocked the tracking on her jet? I find that very interesting because she's always known her jet was tracked and her team even fed her fanbase info on it. Now as soon as Tom leaves for Australia, she blocks her jet tracking. Am I reading too much into this or do you guys think it's an interesting development as well?

592 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 21:07 ID:1R0DkkPA

OK! mag pushing the breakup and Taylor being marriage obsessed narrative

OK is a UK owned mag. So far the UK mags have consistently pushed the breakup rumor but the US mags have stuck to "its all happy and lovey dovey" narrative.

593 Name: Anon : 2016-08-09 21:40 ID:HnBAvsLN

>>591 I haven't been able to master the tracking site ever. How can you tell?

594 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 22:36 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>593 Fans who were tracking it before say it's blocked now. Maybe anonsy or Savvy (was it Savvy or SoSorry?) can confirm because they were the ones who knew how to track her jet from our group.
Blocking the tracking is an interesting move. They can easily plant more stories like the dinner at Church one now with no pap pics and no one would know if it's really true or not unless she's seen out and about in town. Tom wouldn't even have to be in the pics like it was in the Church one.

595 Name: Savvy : 2016-08-09 22:46 ID:41jGI1uD

596 Name: Savvy : 2016-08-09 22:50 ID:41jGI1uD

>>594 Yep. The tracking has been blocked.

597 Name: Savvy : 2016-08-09 22:56 ID:41jGI1uD

But we can find the flight history on this website:

Not sure if it's not blocked here or if the plane has not been used lately.

598 Name: anonsy : 2016-08-09 22:58 ID:jk4W5Vi7

>>597 The last few flights haven't been logged on planefinder either. Someone submitted screenshots to sugarteachatter of a flight from August 4 that was on the radar but never logged.

599 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-09 23:00 ID:xJU+eGmM

>>591 What will her crazy fans do if they don't know where she is, even when she's 30,000 ft in the air! They'll probably try to have her microchipped.

600 Name: anonsy : 2016-08-09 23:06 ID:jk4W5Vi7

>>599 They'll just make up stories about where she is and claim their "mutual" at the airport sent them her flight plans, which is basically what they already do anyway.

601 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-09 23:14 ID:1Gv7ebAj

>>595 This should be thrown in the faces of all the nannies out there who say "No one cares about this except gossip sites. His colleagues don't even know/care. His reputation hasn't been damaged, he's more popular now."

Of all the Marvel actors, RDJ would be the most likely to not know. And yet he knows and mocks (albeit gently).

And as gentle as the mock is, when it comes from a colleague, friend, someone you look up to - it stings all the more.

602 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 23:17 ID:1R0DkkPA

He's on his way! twitter(.)com/TimRoxborogh/status/763148134906068992

And we have no way of knowing if Taylor is too lol

603 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-09 23:21 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>600 Yeah I think they'll just blast false info and make it easier for Team Taylor to put out more plants to give the relationship more realism lol

>>601 It's forever etched in time and space now. And if RDJ is mocking on social media now I wonder how much he ribs him in person. He's gonna be getting teased about this even when they're no longer together.

604 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-09 23:24 ID:1Gv7ebAj

>>600 Um, the flight plans of private planes are not for the general public. Naughty, Swifties, naughty!

605 Name: Savvy : 2016-08-09 23:27 ID:q5T6eyWk

>>602 He can only invite fans to sit down and have a chat when Taylor and her bodyguards are not around.

606 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-09 23:39 ID:1Gv7ebAj

>>603 If TH knew what was good for him he'd re-instagram (if that's a thing!) that pic and own it.

If he and Luke could come up with a half decent witty retort (I don't think they can), all the better. But just owning his shit would be a start.

607 Name: Sosorry : 2016-08-09 23:49 ID:vYyYDwZ7

Apparently, even tough Team TS is no longer logging the flights of her planes into the websites, you can definitely still track her planes if they are in the air. You just have to search for her tail numbers while she is flying, and you can still follow the plane. Not sure if anyone in the world has the patience to do that though.

608 Name: anonsy : 2016-08-09 23:55 ID:jk4W5Vi7

>>607 Oh I'm sure someone will. One of the ladies on tumblr who will stop at nothing to prove that Hiddleswift is True Love.

609 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-10 00:01 ID:1Gv7ebAj

>>608 Beat me to it. They will get a year's worth of military MREs, instal a catheter and get down to business. The pit must know where the queen is slithering to.

610 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-10 00:04 ID:1Gv7ebAj

From the latest TH ONTD thread: "Whenever I see him I always think of a story that my friend who works in the industry told me (somebody told him at a work party). Tom once tried to avoid being seen by some publicist he dated at a pub by climbing out the bathroom window to the beer garden but turns out she was standing right by the windows and it apparently got awkward. Doesn't sound true to me but idk why someone would lie about it lol"

I can believe this. His flight instinct is so strong - avoid conflict, avoid dealing with the situation, avoid, avoid...but it still ends up in awkwardness!!

611 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-08-10 00:14 ID:yJpq0A3q

>>606 He never comes up with a witty retort to any social media post anymore. He (or Luke) needs to hire a Social Media Analyst; they could hire me.

612 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-10 02:23 ID:dqYXAy71

Speaking of Tom on IG, I found what I'm 99% sure is his private account a while ago and have checked in occasionally to see if the number of followers has changed because they were significantly low (in the 10- 20s). When the first pictures on the rocks emerged he jumped an extra 6 followers. Straight after CC he unfollowed someone and last night as he opened his official account he unfollowed one more person.
Maybe its nothing but when you have less than 30 friends and lose two in the space of two weeks thats usually a sign of a significant fallout.

613 Name: anonsy : 2016-08-10 02:27 ID:jk4W5Vi7

>>612 Any way I can convince you to link to it? Or at least give me a hint? Pretty please!

614 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-10 02:47 ID:dqYXAy71

>>613 I'd be happy to if the crazies didn't read this thread and keep spoiling everything- I promise i'll keep you updated on changes. They are so monumentally daft I bet they would send him a friend request.
Before the Swift fiasco the account was very stagnant and his followers never changed. He only used it to like other people's posts. The number he is following only increases slightly when he's working and thats in the 350- 400 mark. The number of his posts hasn't changed since the filming of SI and thats when I picked up on the account.

616 Name: ?? : 2016-08-10 02:56 ID:ofOKynWp

>>612 That is very interesting.

617 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-10 04:31 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>612 Wonder if it was his own friends he was burning bridges with over Taylor and their joke of a relationship. Then again if he was always like this, I doubt his friends care. Maybe it was JArthy! Having their umpteenth secret lovers spat.

According to tumblr's flight experts, Tom should be landing tomorrow morning in LA, leaving him with a whole day to pap stroll with Regina George eyeroll Or maybe they'll do their lovers reunion over the weekend for max coverage.

618 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-10 04:54 ID:dqYXAy71

>>612 The timing of the first unfollowing coincides with Luke stepping in and his emergency trip to NY so I doubt its JArthy (surely she would still take him back but wouldn't that be juicy). My guess is a coworker confronted him at CC.

Swifties are guessing TS has sold her plane and replaced it with a bigger pimpmobile that can fly to OZ.
Given that she is untraceable and last seen in NY, a pap stroll in LA will be mandatory to prove the relationship is still alive. If she isn't seen in LA TayTo is officially over. If they do separate gym visits only he's staying in the hotel and if they slut walk holding hands to friendly paps then the future cringe is about to be way too strong.

619 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-08-10 05:08 ID:yJpq0A3q

>>614 Interesting - I've been checking another account that I thought was his. It's following a different number than the amount you stated, but the list has all the right people he's been in touch with (mostly business) for quite awhile. I'll poke around more.

620 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-10 05:35 ID:dqYXAy71

>>619 I could be wrong about this but if it's a fan, it's an extremely conscientious one. The main telltale sign was that crew members on SI followed this account. They do not follow any fan accounts.
It's completely private so there's no way of seeing who he's friends with, just the numbers. No profile pic, a name you would expect and a very British emoji.
Celeb private accounts are the opposite of their public accounts. A large number of 'following' and a small number of 'followers'

621 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-10 05:50 ID:1R0DkkPA

>>618 A bigger jet? Just to follow the current boyfriend to Australia? Do the Swifties how scary clingy that makes her sound?

Keeping her jet's movements on lockdown is really an interesting move on her part. I still think it's so she can pretend they're still together by putting out plants. With that said though, I'm prepped for a pap walk tomorrow or over the weekend or every single day from tomorrow til he leaves.

622 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-10 06:18 ID:dqYXAy71

'An image of a 35-year-old man wearing a tank top in the ocean that says “I [Heart] T.S.” in tribute to his mid-20s girlfriend is too funny not to bring up over and over again for at least a year, so maybe just keep circling back to this until Ragnorak comes out next November, RDJ. The joke is going to hold up.'

623 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 07:09 ID:Heaven

Well, I expected to wake up and find his instagram had millions and millions of followers, the nannies at CB yesterday were super excited about how quickly (yeah right) the amount was increasing, but it stopped at half a million lol
No wonder he invites fans to sit with him and talk, he is that desperate.

RDJ is my hero.

624 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 07:11 ID:Heaven

>>620 If with this official account he doesn't follow anyone, the idea he has a private one would make sense.

625 Name: Savvy : 2016-08-10 08:53 ID:Kav0moE8

The Instagram account was probably part of his contract with that fashion brand that his girlfriend got him. He followed the brand on Twitter but he'll probably do what Taylor does and post photos to endorse products. She makes a lot of money with that.
I wouldn't be surprised if that Hiddles Fashion Twitter account was run by his publicist pretending to be a fan.

626 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 11:52 ID:Heaven

"A source close to the pair told me: “Tom and Taylor are 100 per cent still an item.

“They are both focusing on work at the moment but will be back in each other’s company again soon.”

Tom and Taylor have not been seen in public together for 11 days – the longest time they have been apart since I revealed their relationship in June."

627 Name: Anon : 2016-08-10 12:36 ID:HnBAvsLN

>>626 Ho hum. The Sun has to get behind this because it got the "scoop" on the photos. It is hardly going to admit that the "relationship"/contract is over because that makes its exclusive look cheap.

628 Name: Anon : 2016-08-10 12:43 ID:HnBAvsLN

>>625 I don't think that Hiddlesfashion is run by a publicist. It's pretty witty (not a characteristic I associate with Luke!) and snarky about his fashion choices (or lack of them!) and doesn't always have the brands straight away, which it would if it were publicist run. It was also very rude about the I heart TS t shirt (saying we will never mention again that he owns this in addition to the 3 other t shirts he possesses).

629 Name: Anon : 2016-08-10 12:46 ID:HnBAvsLN

>>609 "the pit must know where the queen is slithering to"


630 Name: Savvy : 2016-08-10 13:33 ID:u9o1B1E5

I believe I should apologise to Elizabeth Olsen for thinking she was the one to call the paps that infamous date night in London.
Now we know he's the one who wanted to use his private life to become more famous.
And it seems I'm not the only one, judging by some comments at CB. Like these two:

"Lbliss says:
August 10, 2016 at 9:12 am
How can you go from never confirming and quietly dating for a year Elizabeth Olsen to this swifty created hot mess daily media circus? What complete opposites! No one over the age of 20 jumps from one extreme to another like that.

Luca76 says:
August 10, 2016 at 9:17 am
Oh I totally think he would have loved to go public with that relationship too but EO wouldn’t have it. Remember the way she hid her face to the paparazzi when they were caught together while he grinned like a Cheshire Cat ? Hiddleswift’s made for each other partially because they both love the circus. Reminds me a bit of Justin Theroux he is there for the attention and he’s going to use it to his benefit."

631 Name: Savvy : 2016-08-10 13:37 ID:u9o1B1E5

Well, I must say that I don't know who this Justin Theroux is. So, if he's doing the same thing as Hiddleswift to get famous, it's not working.

632 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-10 15:19 ID:1R0DkkPA

Are Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter still in LA? What if TayTo do a double date pap stroll with them? That will be spectacularly messy for the fans. What on earth would they talk about lol

633 Name: NewAnon : 2016-08-10 16:18 ID:41I9V1sS

Pics of Tom arriving at LAX on Torilla. He's wearing exactly what he wore when he left. You can't tell the difference at all between his arrival and departure lol

634 Name: Savvy : 2016-08-10 16:34 ID:u9o1B1E5

There's also a video. He's not been picked up by TS' people. Probably someone sent by The Night Manager Production company.

636 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-08-10 17:27 ID:yJpq0A3q

Without the ability to track her plane(s), will become more of a place on which to rely. It's showing pics of her still in NYC as of this morning.

637 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 17:30 ID:Heaven

>>632 That would be amusing for me because I read CB and there's a particular poster that is in such denials that TH is best friend with Cumberbatch.

638 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 17:31 ID:Heaven

>>633 And once again that's a lot of luggage for someone who is supposed to stop in LA for a couple of day.

Here's the video

639 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 17:31 ID:Heaven

>>635 because it's stupid.

640 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-10 17:37 ID:1Gv7ebAj

>>635 Because it's a Star Mag poll. Not exactly a Newsweek sponsored Gallup poll. The twitter hastag trends they mention are far more meaningful.

>>636 Her fans will still get the deets on her planes. They are that intrusive and stalkery.

Speaking of polls! What do we think? He's hear until at least Friday night.

Yea or nay:

  1. reunion article but no pics
  2. reunion article and pics
  3. proper pap stroll (hand holding, matching, sponsored outfits, etc)
  4. no reunion...true love is DEAD!

641 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 17:39 ID:Heaven

>>640 2 and 3, questions about a relationship are still better and more positive than questions about a breakup (which if it doesn't happen now, I don't think it will happen very soon)

642 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 17:43 ID:Heaven

The two hosts of the Brit tvshow This Morning, Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, mocking TayTo

643 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 17:50 ID:Heaven

I read that not anyone can change things in wiki pages, particularly celeb pages, but I'm not sure.
Anyway, TH's wiki page in the personal life section mentions that he confirmed he is in a relationship in TS.

644 Name: anonsy : 2016-08-10 18:10 ID:jk4W5Vi7

>>643 I read that in TOD before she deleted, but if you look in the page's edit history there's been a war over whether or not boyfriends and girlfriends should be included on pages, and it keeps getting added and removed.

645 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-10 18:13 ID:1Gv7ebAj

>>640 or even here until Friday night. My husband likes to say: eating for two, thinking for 1/2. I snap back with: I'm pretty confident the baby's yours, but we should have the DNA testing just to make sure.

>>642 Yes-siree, that shirt is a cultural phenomenon. I'm trying to think of something similar but I can't. And even if I could, in my current state I'd have to compare them using primitive grunts and pictures drawn on cave walls.

>>643 Well he did "confirm" it with the post-nomination interviews. Remember: Taylor Swift and he are together. They are very happy. It is not a stunt. I think if you can provide citations then you're allowed to input info.

646 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-08-10 18:16 ID:Heaven

>>644 That must be where I read it. I wonder if they'll also debate the mention of the Rear of the Year award.

647 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-08-10 18:28 ID:yJpq0A3q

>>643 Wow, I'd call that real enough to write home about. I wasn't around when he was dating SF but if he did have a wiki back then, I'll bet she was the last mention of a gf, if she was even mentioned.

On the other hand, wasn't someone able to hack TS's wiki and change her nickname right after the KKW snapchat?

648 Name: anonsy : 2016-08-10 18:31 ID:jk4W5Vi7

>>645 There was debate over whether or not a relationship this short should be included at all, but I think you're right - it seems that as long as it can be cited, it's fair game. Though I do think he should be directly quoted like he was in that article, complete with notes of stammering and awkward laughter.

>>646 I went and had another look. Tom's page is semi-protected, which means that it can be edited by any registered Wikipedia user, which I am - should I go vandalize it? I could change "Hiddleston won the light-hearted UK award Rear of the Year 2016" to "Hiddleston was named Ass of the Year 2016."

(Note: I am not going to vandalize his page. If someone does this, it was not me.)

649 Name: anonsy : 2016-08-10 18:33 ID:jk4W5Vi7

>>647 Her page is semi-protected as well, so it can still be vandalized by a registered user.

650 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-08-10 18:33 ID:yJpq0A3q

>>640 Numbers 2 and 3 - and I'll juice fast for a day if It's number 4.

I believe that reverse psychology is at work here, on top of the mutual contract - their need to prove everyone wrong, her need to prove she is not a hateful or immature little girl, and their need to prove they're neither commitment-phobic nor flighty.

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