Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

158 Name: Anon. : 2016-08-22 17:14 ID:V/iG/9ei

>>156 Not to get all annoying, but DEFCON is a descending scale of alertness. (I hate myself for typing that.) He's always at 5, maybe 4. This appears to be Level 2 (Red, Fast Pace). At this stage, armed forces are expected to engage with the enemy in less than 6 hours. I'm assuming this translates to him being ready to engage with fans at a moment's notice. This is like the Cuban Missile crisis of his career.

DEFCON 1 (White, Cocked pistol) is unprecedented - in this world and in Tom Hiddleston's. I fear what he might do. What is the nuclear option for Tom Hiddleston? Does he marry a fan? Does he go on tour and take a selfie with all 7b people on the planet? I shudder.

>>157 Why oh why won't they leave him alone. This shy Garbo needs his peace.

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