Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

271 Name: Sosorry : 2016-08-26 19:36 ID:2f57j049

Gossip Cop article denying that TH was flirting w 2 girls on set during filming. Unfortunately, for Tree, the bloggers were talking about another situation where TH seemed to be eyeballing this woman up and down. I knew that TS's PR trolled the blogs! Anyway, Gossip Cop denies anything that makes TS look bad. TH losing interest or cheating on TS would not be positive for image:
"As proof, the tabloid has a 30-second video of Hiddleston, in his signature Loki wig, talking to a few people, as a crowd is gathered nearby. The actor is seen conversing with two men and two women. Star doesn’t have any idea what was being discussed, as the footage was shot by paparazzi using long-distance lenses.
And yet the magazine is convinced Hiddleston was “flirting” with the girls. By that logic then, he must’ve been “flirting” with the guys, too, because he’s not seen interacting with them any differently. But here’s what’s really going on: Star took a totally innocent sighting of the actor and turned it into a scandalous-sounding story about his relationship with Swift. It’s just not a true one."

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