Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

64 Name: Anonon : 2016-08-19 12:49 ID:Q1r1DaPQ

>>57 >>58 Studio Gal lost all credibility with that post. It read like desperate stan fiction. I've never subscribed to this outrageous conspiracy theory about RI stunting and I'm just not prepared to reach that far without solid proof, and solid enough proof has not been provided.
Despite that, they obviously stunted and fed their fav press those plane pics and articles about their weekend together.
I still can't comprehend having an authentic getting to know you and your family yet falling desperately and rapidly in love party in front of the entire world.
I know enough actors and performers to know that many are so insecure they require constant positive feedback. They are such exhausting creatures that most crewies have a motto that we refuse to ever date one. So perhaps these needy, mutually desperate camera sluts have fulfilled their attention deficit while simultaneously falling for each other. Or they are simply stunting for attention.
I think most of us predicted they would quit the hand- holding global tour out of necessity in favor of this kind of approach once his Emmy campaign started and I think they will remain hidden in full view until the Emmys.
I have no idea and I quite frankly don't give a shit if it lasts to the Emmys or beyond. That was an incredible hiddlestunting summer they granted us. So many laughs, so much foil and I have new wrinkles from cringing so hard.

For showing us all how fake authenticity can be, I salute them.

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