Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

772 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-20 10:04 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>768 I don't think I'll ever know unless we become friends and I will never send a request.
There is no way to see who the account follows, verified or not. That is the nature of private accounts from my experience. All you can see is the name of the account, their profile pic if they have one, the number of posts and the number of people they follow. JArthy's account, for instance is also on total lockdown.
It could possibly belong to an incredibly well researched fan who poses as TH and befriends cast and crew members but as I mentioned the cast and crew are following back when they don't follow any other fan accounts.
It's not used for posting photos- that number never changes so I think he must have another very private personal account.
I never bothered to trawl through any of TS's friends massive accounts to see if they followed and after the summer of stunts I haven't bothered to check on Thor cast and crew follows either.
I just occasionally look at the numbers and couldn't help noticing the uncharacteristic unfollows at all the right times.
I'm happy to post the name as long as those crazy lurkers PROMISE they won't do anything stupid like send a friend request...

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