Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

829 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-22 02:09 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>825 I've always assumed the Beard is a nanny who chaperones naughty children. A Mr Fixit.
Surely the irony of referencing his permanent man- date as 'The Beard' is not lost on anyone..
>>827 Remember before TayTo, during the US promo tour, TH suddenly had a all the flashy suits. He hired the top stylist and makeup artist and plugged himself harder than ever. He was omnipresent.
This was the year TH was supposed to happen and he donated his left kidney, dignity and crucial hairline desperately trying to make it.

'Josh Sapan made a few bemused remarks referencing Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift's brief relationship.
Speaking to investors in New York on Wednesday, AMC Networks CEO Josh Sapan made several pithy comments about how the short-lived love affair between Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift was "conveniently" timed to the airing of AMC's limited series The Night Manager, which starred Hiddleston.

"They conveniently waited to break up till the end of The Night Manager," he said, bemused.

While formally attributing the good timing to "serendipity," Sapan was clearly pleased with the coincidence, mentioning it at least twice during his question-and-answer session with the Goldman Sach rep.
The Night Manager performed "spectacularly" in delayed viewing, Sapan said

831 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-22 02:52 ID:kYaIUqng

>>829 Always a good sign when the CEO of the network airing your latest and greatest oeuvre cracks light at your showmance. :/

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