THE WORD "OTAKU" lets rescue it (68)

1 Name: マムシ_72さい : 2007-04-15 21:42 ID:yt66DAsV

OK we here at 4-ch need to start a movement to rescue the word wotaku. there are far tommany people using it. we need to create some way to findout if the person is a true fan or a poser. I dont use the word myself but I think It should be a pride word. the problem Is there are many small fans who try to assosiate with us when there is no reasont to. It makes finding other hardcore anime fans difficult.

2 Name: マムシ_72さい : 2007-04-15 21:50 ID:yt66DAsV

here is what I propose have been teased and socially ridiculed either now or in the past.

2. aprox 80% of your money goes to anime manga or video game related things (exeptions are possible)

3. you accept that anime porn is more interesting to you than real porn

4.if you create a list of things you think about anime/manga/jp games are at the top of the list

5. you spend most of your time in your room, on your computer or at a friends house with similar interests

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-16 05:27 ID:pZ1lAXCK

I would NEVER call myself an otaku....I I just like Anime!
looks at list

  1. yes
  2. 70% goes to games manga and anime the other 20% goes to computers so I can D/L doujinshi, watch anime and keep them in my Hard drive, 10% goes to food and living so I can continue the above.
  3. Yes, a big YES.
  4. yes
  5. yes, except for the friends, I don't understand the meaning of the word


4 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-16 07:29 ID:QkIsdkdA


5 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-16 12:50 ID:Heaven

One day, >>1 will grow up, and be horribly embarrassed when he finds this thread.

6 Name: american otaku : 2007-04-17 00:09 ID:esCl3kWC

i promise not to flame yet.

yes i call myself an otaku and I guess you should rescue the word from em cuz I am a real asshole

my answers

1 - NO, I am a bully

2 -yes

3- i dunno. I like real porn for masturbating, and hentai just for laughs

4 -yes

5 - yes

shit. dun say I'm like you tho, I'll be PISSED OFF

7 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-17 00:24 ID:R1q+VxT7

I've only called myself otaku as self-depreciating and exaggerating humor. I'd be really embarrassed if someone actually thought I am otaku.

I think I'm getting worse, though. >_<

8 Name: american otaku : 2007-04-17 00:34 ID:esCl3kWC

i call myself an otaku, but I agree... i'd fucking die if someone called me that. -__-

9 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-17 04:18 ID:snHlyW7L

  1. Well, never been bullied, but been in embarrassing situations where I was singled out due to shyness.
  2. For my case you can say that 80% of my internet bandwidth goes to anime. I'm poor :/ and manga is the only thing I buy aside food and necessities.
  3. yup, more interested.
  4. yes
  5. I have spent most of LIFE behind my computer.

I Certainly don't call myself an otaku and would not be happy to be called one. "Wapanese" would piss me off, and if in RL someone calls me weeaboo, i'll chop his/her head off. (yes, with no gender discrimination!)

There are also different branches of otaku which is sometimes important,
Those that I can call from top of head are:
Anime, manga, model freaks, doll collectors, Cosplayers, Datesim/Hgame, doujinshi, Dorama (rare) and fan artists

10 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-17 11:28 ID:Heaven

Christ, people. Are you seriously responding to some hopeless teenager's thread about how special he is?

11 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-17 21:50 ID:R1q+VxT7

>>9 Unfortunately for me, though, I've been called Wapanese and weeaboo many, many times. I probably am one...I certainly don't seem to be very normal. I'm not really one for cutting heads, though.

12 Name: mamushi_72_sai : 2007-04-18 03:48 ID:8sPAfhf8


13 Name: mamushi_72_sai : 2007-04-18 03:50 ID:8sPAfhf8

did I ever say that I apply?

14 Name: Captain Obvious : 2007-04-18 05:13 ID:Heaven


15 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-18 09:31 ID:4mpiZGsy

i'm kinda an otaku cos i love anime and i'm really shy plus i use to get bullies at school, but i'm getting better so i dont think i'm THAT otaku lol

16 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-18 12:16 ID:EoIc+IhM

I convey a condolence about a case of this university heartily from Japan

17 Name: american otaku : 2007-04-18 13:24 ID:esCl3kWC

>>16 thanks

18 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-20 02:38 ID:pZ1lAXCK

>>5 one day we'll all grow up and be horribly embarrassed.

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