[Konata] Lucky Star [Otaku] (267)

167 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-09-18 08:01 ID:XDiV8VAM

Un-reinforced fanservice? They jam it down your throat just about every other episode. If it's not a comment about Miyuki's excessive cans, it's about that green haired chick's lack of them, a Haruhi or "old school" anime reference, or some allusion to the naughtier side of otakuism. Nevermind that the only otakus, or main characters, for that matter, are girls, and this show is simply drenched in that intangible idea called "moe." This show isn't a show, it's fanservice incarnate, like its teaching the viewer how to act like an otaku. ...Yet somehow, it's supposed to be endearing. Not to me of course, I think I was expecting a little more substance than what it had to offer, but that's me.

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