UNIX redone (254)

115 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-12-07 23:19 ID:Heaven

Unfortunately, nobody seems to be correcting anything ITT, just complaining.

I don't expect anyone to design an operating system to make a point, but surely in order for a better operating system to exist.

>>113 is DQN. The "mess of libraries" is an application issue -- third time I've had to say this. I'm not defending KDE or GNOME. And operating systems that serve a different purpose are not alternatives -- should be obvious, right?

Certainly anyone should have given serious thought to a better design before they begin to talk about it with your sort of attitude: "It's not me, it's Unix." If you believe the root of the problem is Unix being flawed, you should be ready to suggest a system design that isn't.

If what you people are trying to say is that Unix is not ideal for desktop systems with GUIs, I agree. Moreover, for that application, I think it should be replaced, not fixed.

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