[NOVEL] DQN Short Novel [FAIRLY LONG] [PART III] (999)

971 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7391 03:51

Chambers John was obsessed with farting, and loved to fart any time he could. His girlfriend, Sally Longhorn, despised farts and became angry with Chambers because all he did was watch television and fart. She told him that the only time she could feel relaxed was when Chambers was out of the house, as she could be away from his gas. She thought that if the television turned into fart jokes, which he also loves, then Chambers wouldn't even leave the house.

Then one night, the television did become all about farts. This put Sally to the ultimate test to see if she could get past his problem and love him. In the end, she became so fed up with farting that she had a nightmare about farting. She woke up and Chambers farted. Sally realized that there is no point in hating it anymore and decided to love him. Both of them farted gleefully.

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