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530 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8650 02:11

To follow up, let's provide a quick reality check. Glubby identified Great Britain as currently undergoing the age of decadence. Indeed, GB was roughly a bit more than 250 years old at the time of publication. He'd probably expected GB to have perished by now, but nope, it's already past the 300 year old mark and shows no signs of falling.

Ill-defined adjectives like "pessimism" or "frivolity" are pretty much forever present across history and generations. And it always seems like the current generation is more frivolous than the previous generations, but this is just our tiny, microscopic, reductive logic playing tricks on us. The same reductive, shitty logic that makes some people arbitrarily divide up Rome into tiny 250-year long periods, even though that makes no fucking sense at all.

Also fascists are per definition, a bunch of fucking permanent losers.

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