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928 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9115 00:09

Get rid of the edgy profile pic and banner. People who think your tweets are clever will still be hesitant to follow you because of the offensive shit.

Make sure your profile pic doesn't get cut off due to the border-radius thing Twitter does now. Your pic currently has text that is cut off.

Your banner is too busy. Needs less stuff. And some of the images have poor scaling and incorrect aspect ratios. Use something like GIMP to resize with a constraint aspect ratio and use cubic interpolation.

You post too many images with no text at all. Twitter isn't Instagram, you need more text. You retweet lots of unrelated things. You should add captions to things you upload, and you should consider possibly quote tweeting things sometimes. You also have a bad ratio of retweets to content from yourself. Your timeline is mostly just a bunch of retweets from other people, and images with no text or context. That comes off as silent. You need to have more of a voice. That's what Twitter is for.

You need to have a more descriptive bio. Include titles and maybe a one-liner joke.

Your account needs a narrower focus overall. It seems like you're going for edgy humor, but then you retweet random unrelated stuff. People want to be able to pigeonhole an account as being for a specific thing, not just all over the place. If you want to be the edgy guy, be the edgy guy. If not, don't.

You posted a selfie... on an edgy account. Either go PC or full anon. Don't upload personal stuff like selfies on an account where you're making 9/11 and race jokes. Also, your selfie was bad. It was from an unflattering angle, in poor lighting, and you need a haircut and a shave. Fix those things and it will look so much better. Take pictures from above and away, with good lighting, not below and up close and dark. A good backdrop also helps.

Your ratio of following to followers is really bad. Also, be sure to follow people who follow you. And engage with your mutuals.

Consider making a CuriousCat account and linking to that in your Twitter profile. It can increase follower engagement.

Tweet with more regularity if you want people to follow you.

Your pinned tweet has no numbers. I looked through your other tweets, and you have two funny tweets that have a lot of likes and retweets. One of those should be your pinned tweet.

About your handle: it's called DM on Twitter... not PM. Maybe change it to SendEyeBags, since punctuation is bad.

Unfollow people who don't follow you. When you are following hundreds of people and only have a couple dozen followers, it looks bad. Of course, if you ever get successful enough at twitter that you have thousands and thousands of followers, then it becomes impossible to follow everybody back and then engage with each and every one of your mutuals.

Lastly, there are a couple effective (but shitty) way to increase the number of followers: be kind of a leech and respond to tweets by very popular accounts. You're essentially piggybacking off their fame. It's effective, but don't overdo it. There are some Twitter accounts with tens of thousands of followers simply because all they do is reply to Trump's tweets. It's a shitty form of self-promotion. I'm not saying you should tweet at Trump, I'm just saying you could get more followers by finding accounts relevant to your interests and then engaging with them. Then, the people who like those accounts will like you, since you are related to the stuff they already know they like. Example: if you're into sports, respond to tweets about sports from accounts with 100k+ followers. If you're into video games, respond to tweets about video games from accounts with 100k+ followers.

A second way to get more followers is to simply follow people who are similar to you. Search profiles for hashtags, words, etc. that are related to you and your personality and posts. Who are you? What are you interested in? Figure that out and search Twitter. A lot of people do follow4follow, as shitty as it might be. But it really does work. Just don't overdo it!

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