[Psychiatry] And how does that make you feel? (114)

10 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9084 23:33

Turn that negative energy from your depression into motivation to change the world. It sucks, yeah, so instead of moping around, think about ways you can change it. I used to be extremely depressed, and I'm still unhappy. But instead of thinking about killing myself, or something like that, I think about goals. Thinks I want to change in my own life, and things I would like to try and change in the world. Some goals are realistic, some are far-off. but you need to have an internal locus of control, instead of thinking that everything is out of your control.

Life isn't static. You can change it.

I have found anti-modernism books to be very liberating. Walden, Technological Slavery, Revolt Against the Modern World, shit like that.

You're not the only person who doesn't like the way things are. Far from it.

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