[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 7] (999)

1 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-10187 09:09

You just pissed your dream away!

850 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10698 16:53

UN human rights chief says Russian troops executed people who presented no threat. Also: Afghan Taliban carry out more public floggings of people accused of robbery and adultery, and Prince Harry says his brother William screamed and shouted at him, at a meeting about his and Meghan's role in the British royal family.

851 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10698 17:22

Thanks for not assuming the pronouns of these minor fictional characters

852 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10698 20:49

It is difficult to really put your finger on what is so revolting about the modern human until it is distilled and packaged and perfected by Disney
in this way. Only by transporting our awful personalities into animals can the true horror of them be appreciated.

853 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10700 18:12

my mom has always been the nosy type, always looking through my belongings, facebook messages,constantly controlling all aspects of my life, etc. Recently we went on vacation and I think she saw my phone password while she was behind me or when she was next to me on the subway/taxi. One day I wake up in the hotel room and my mom hands me my phone smiling and says "here you go sweetie I charged your phone for you." On my phone I had one picture of a drawing of a woman farting on a mans face (I know weird). When I go to check my pictures that picture is missing. I think to myself "oh I must have accidentally deleted it". The very same day my mom starts to casually mention farting in normal conversations. I tried a baked potato with beans and cheese and my mom was all like "I'm sure you will be farting tonight". My shoes rubbed onto the floor and she was like "did you fart?" My mom will even farted one time and started laughing. Because of all of this I am started to get extremely paranoid that she searched through my phone and deleted that picture. I'm starting to mistrust/resent my mom even more than I usually do. I am also becoming incredibly depressed and embarrassed

854 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10700 19:41

actually in fallout 2 you get one free child kill before you have to worry about the perk. i shredded him with a bozar with no consequence

855 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10701 21:34

No farts please

Children shouldn't view/listen to "Fart", so please change this to ADULT audience.

Hmmm, (Parody 1) + (Parody 2) = (Parody 3).
Score 10 for accuracy!

856 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10701 21:46

Hello, I hate women so much it's unreal. Have a nice day.

857 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10702 03:41

Excuse me? I'm sorry I am not quitting in the midst of the funniest shit I've ever seen, a 51 year old man who has been awake for 6 weeks microdosing meth and tagging in his mommy while the Bone Saw guys close in.

Couldn't pay me to miss this.

858 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10702 05:08

I always thought [James Cameron's] Avatar was a simplistic cartoon meant to make children and simpletons feel smart for successfully understanding an allegory for once in their stupid lives while they still get to marvel at flashing lights and pretty colors, but maybe I just didnft understand how deep it wasc

859 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10702 11:12

back home in Mexico we have "Anima Studios", that produces family friendly films based on mexican leyends (inlcuding el chupacabras). My dream is to turn that company into a Miyazaki-esq latino animation power house

But I fear I would be tempted to produce "mexican hentai"

860 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10704 00:42


861 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10704 11:59

It is profoundly disturbing that we should even be able to read any sense in Aristotle when he speaks on metaphysics. The fact that we seem to understand anything he's saying should alarm us greatly because it means that something we are not aware of is interfacing with the text of Aristotle and our modern viewpoint, which is certainly not the same as that of the Ancient Greek.

862 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10705 04:30

"hell is other people" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person has a normal time with other people. Sartre, who lived in france & had to live with thousands of french people each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted

863 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10705 06:45

Well name my dick adulting cause this bitch can suck it, Ifll ever give her Heinz as a casher afterwords so shefll swallow.

864 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10706 10:59

closest my college got to this was someone wrote a full-throated idelogical defense of having sex with animals, printed it, and left it anonymously in a big pile in the cafeteria

865 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10710 02:56

Transmasc AFAB Jewish Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is doubly marginalized, but his authenticity, and commitment to truth, are, in fact, what are needed to help light the path to liberation.

866 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10713 02:26

I am an esteemed psychologist from Yemen, and I once went into the great pyramid of Giza and found a jug of urine that belonged to Pharaoh Ramesses ii, I drank 50ml of it and had strange dreams for a whole week:-

1- This might sound a bit odd and random, but I have actually dreamt of Zeus mating with a palm tree and begetting an ant that is capable of crawling on the edge of the Higgs Boson!

2- I also dreamt of my mitochondria protesting to break free from my organelles, claiming that nature has enslaved them!

3- On another night of a full moon, I dreamt of Professor Noam Chomsky eating books and regurgitating the field of Modern Linguistics!

4- The funniest dream I ever had, was when I had a vision of a Neanderthal swallowing a whole apple, and it played ping-pong with his heart while passing down his esophagus!

5- This is by no means a joke, but the most disgusting dream I ever had, was of a female's menstruation blood turning into jelly and being marketed by an Oompa Loompa as Halloween treats!

6- I also had a nightmare of riding on a mare at night, with the Pharaoh's personal witch, she was pregnant with a fetus that was eating her placenta!

Do you think my dreams have any philosophical implications at all?

I'm just a little concerned that I'm having a neurological malfunction!

Given that I've heard my neurons conspiring to abandon the dwelling of my skull, things don't seem to be heading in the right direction, ever since!

867 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10713 16:55

I would contend that Scooby Doo villains are generally more intelligent than Andrew Tate.

868 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10714 18:11

The replies here are just a clusterfuck of derailed cum trains. I donft care about your anecdotal stories about how you and your farm fuck cousin at the gangbang mill love bookmarks. Youfre all just aspy gas huffers who donft understand how to look up research papers.

869 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10717 03:49

Honestly, this is an equally empty argument.

"People are just squinting and imagining a cornucopia!"

"It's a printing aberration!"

"Maybe a handful of shirts had an ink smudge!"

It doesn't at all explain the album art. Or the other pieces of residue.

Also, it makes no sense. Why would kids in the 90s be actively seeking out and looking at the 60s/early 70s logo design? The internet didn't exist. It just doesn't line up with the statements of "I saw it on a shirt at k-mart"

870 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10717 05:52

bear hugging women

London as i have said before was chikan paradise until the fucking chinese invented and spread horrid covid 19 around the world.

Years ago some celebrity was shopping in Top Shop in Oxford circus fuck knows who the celeb was frankly i do not care. This drew crowds of people including young girls outside the entrance of top shop.

I was hunting in oxford circus that day and noticed loads of people congregating around the top shop entrance. I immersed myself into the crowd behind a group of teenage girls all wearing denim skirts. One brunette had long dark hair i got close and pushed my face into her hair. Corrr it smelled so good freshly washed corrrr. I managed to twist my tongue into her hair corrr.

The crowds began to get thicker and thicker i began to plaster myself onto the backside of the teenage girl she was so busy looking out for this celebrity she ignored me pressing on her.

I opened my legs and placed my chin on her shoulder and began sniffing her neck coorrrr this babe was mine all mine corrrr. My cock was already erect and pressing into her crack corrrrr corrrrr.

Then the celebrity came out of the shop everyone started cheering and screaming i pressed harder into the bitch and she shouted "i cannot see".

I whispered in her ear letme lift you up. She giggled and said no its ok i said I insist you have to see.

I put my arms around her waist and pulled her between my legs and then picked her up. What a feeling man this piece of meat was mine corrrrr corrrrr.

She said thankyou and began giggling and taking photos i felt sweat pouring from my head. I was breathing heavily i wanted to kiss this bitch on her neck and in her hair she was mine corrrr.

It was like owning my own sex doll ahahah. Suddenly i exploded and began to get dizzy i let go of her and backed off the cum was spilling through my pants.

The girl said thankyou and kept giggling.

I saw two police man approaching the crowd i got scared and decided to escape it would be a nightmare if they saw the wet cum marks on my jogging pants.

Managed to get out of the crowd and to oxford station and make a get away on the central line. On the carriage people were staring at my cum marks.

One girl laughed and said to her friend ohhh i think he has pissed himself ahahahah.

871 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10717 13:16

>>869 I want to know more about this stupid post

872 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10718 08:58

I think the worst part was calling coffeezilla the eKeemstar of cryptof.

That was a low blow. Thatfs worse than calling someone Hitler. I would never want to wish being called Keemstar on my worst enemies.

In fact, if Logan Paul called me that, I would probably sue him.

873 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10719 09:23

The way Americans celebrate the rich getting richer just because they can throw a ball is hilarious.

"Generational wealth" isn't a good thing, you fucktards

874 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10720 13:42

Things were better when they were worse.

875 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10720 22:16

Very quickly my Pokemon catching dreams were obliterated by the unfortunate reality that exist for a Black Man in America. I realized that if I keep playing this game, it could literally kill me.

876 Name: vc: muff : 1993-09-10722 12:55

Reddit is old, Reddit goes back to Gibbon and Voltaire. Wherever there are midwit takes and smug, lame jokes, Reddit is there.

877 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10722 14:38

piss, on a boat, piss, on toast. Some, something, something's wrong with Jason x3
i dont know the rest

878 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10722 23:25

You are not edgy! you are not crazy! you are not revolutionary! STOP POSTING " simpsons, wtf , is it just me or ... " NO ITS NOT JUST YOU DO YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING CAVE !? every single fucking thread having to do with any show or tv or cartoons or the colour yellow is HIJACKED BY PEOPLE SAYING " simpsons was crap this week" we all know it! now stop damnit stop!!!!!!!

879 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10723 03:07

You sick fucks that girl used to be an infant many years ago. How can you date an adult female when she was in fact at some point in her life a child before she was a grown woman.

880 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10723 08:14

My penis is very soggy when I soak it in cereal for 9 hours.

881 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10723 20:26

Brazil: Put aside your politics. You can no longer afford to take Bolsonaro back. He is uninsured receiving medical care in the US, your nation cannot bear the cost of his treatment. It doesn't matter what the cause is, even something simple he might recover from on his own given time could be billed in excess of $50,000 USD. That's if nothing is wrong. If this is cancer, your entire country will be broke and he will probably die anyway. Every day they spend diagnosing the problem is more expensive than housing him in a palace.

If he dies alone, the hospital must eat the cost. If you bring him back and say he represents you, an army of debt collectors will clog every phone circuit in your country until every penny is reclaimed. Catastrophic economic damage will ensue.

Cut him loose, Brazil. Life as he knew it has already ended. He is a drowning man who could bring you all down with him.

882 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10724 00:01

That it is their responsibility to make sure they are legally allowed to view the content on the website and that www.thecandidforum.com will take no responsibility for any damages suffered by the viewer.
That they are not allowed to gain access to the website with intent to harm the content creators in any way, including legal action or disruptive mass media exposure.
That all material presented on the website is copyright to www.thecandidforum.com and may not be used in any fashion in any other place without prior written consent, including but not limited to, use on other websites or posting to usenet newsgroups.

883 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10724 13:40

Knowing people in the Akron/Canton area, I can tell you some things that probably won't come as much of a surprise:

1) The infamous opioid epidemic hit that county hard as fuck.
2) Mental health services are woefully inadequate and underfunded in comparison to just how many people have problems there, and courts often have to move people out of the county for quality care. I've heard stories of people who were clearly distressed turned away from 72-hour holds literally because the hospital needed a bed.
3) The police are overwhelmed with bullshit, crime is rampant in West Akron and the shittier, more ghetto-y parts of town.
4) The town is pretty poor. Lebron James raised it from "crippling poverty" to "moderate poverty." What you might call "lower middle class." It's certainly not as bad as it used to be, but it really just went from Fallout to a sad indie movie town.

884 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10724 14:02

Dick Kern is brilliance in this terrible 80s flick. I mean, this writer/director/joke would be better off killing himself with a guillotine than making anymore movies. His audience would be happier if he just put his head in a vice and tightened it a few cranks. I recommend this movie to no one who appreciates life or no one who doesn't appreciate it. No one should ever see this again. It is terrible.

885 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10725 00:05

finally, my dick and balls will unexpectedly mow down a pedestrian and explode

886 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10725 02:06

Look at that proud haughty whore. If I could work my will I would bust in there and tear her clothing off and belt whip her. I would then lock the lips of my proud male anus to her cunt and proceed to deposit a lengthy girth of my superior male shit deep into her womb where it would grow into an African child. Truly break her will.

887 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10725 19:48

Are there spells to give me friends?

888 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10726 21:49

I need need need more fatties eating uncontrollably gaining weight uncontrollable just geting fatter and fattr in there vortex of unrestrained gluttuny!! If they puke it sucks on one hand that they lose the fat but on the other hand they prove there sserious about being fatty eaters! best would be to see girls sucking down gallons of swetened heavy cream puke then eat that puke + get drugs to not puke and instead put fat on faster........


889 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10727 17:11

a huge slice of TSA employees are perfectly nice people working a shit job because someone they knew could get them in. but between shit like this and the countless times Ifve had my genitalia egregiously felt up and down, there needs to be severe narrowing of their powers

890 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10728 09:21

Someone making Deathcamps & Dragons under the OGL has very little (if any) impact on D&D as a brand. They are not allowed to use anything considered "Product Identity" so it's not like they can add a Nazi revolution to the Forgotten Realms or anything. They would just be allowed to describe Hit Dice using the same language as 100 other games.

Furthermore, having an arbitrary "we don't like it" clause just means that they can revoke anyone's license at any time -- they are just using Nazis and Klansmen as a boogeyman to give them cover.

With any kind of open license, you have to accept the fact that someone may choose to use it in a way you don't like.

891 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10730 05:56

Why would anyone waste money on a Mac? everything is counter intuitive, higher rates of crashing, and you just end up running every program by using a windows emulator making it even slower why not just use windows? Not to mention preinstalled Mac is much more expensive than a computer with windows preinstalled

892 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10730 09:32

very upset tonight. i am in a group where people were talking about breeding pigs. i'm just there because i like looking at the little piglets, but i accidentally learned that someone did a study about how long pigs ejaculate, and one pig ejaculated continuously for 31 minutes

893 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10730 11:20

>>891 Stupidest post of the week, what an idiot

894 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10730 12:19

Why are you so embarrassed to admit you're a racist? You always wear your 'I hate Asians' tshirt, even though you're half Asian yourself

895 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10730 22:10

Thank God that in the midst of worldwide economic and political crisis the Tories are dealing with the real problem: Scottish trans teenagers

896 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10731 11:43

There's ants literally breaking pieces of silicone off the sealing of my ten gallon fish tank, what the fuck do I do?!? THE ANT TRAPS AREN'T WORKING! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!?

897 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10732 11:54

AAAA, u will love new track SOOO much1111
it's the one of de most 3 S' things that i made in my fucking life!11!!!
guitars, breaks, anime girlz, piano & depression, what can be better?
february 7, death exists?

898 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10732 19:24

The boobs on the right one are lower than my self esteem

899 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10733 03:09

Putting Hitler behind a paywall was definitely a conscious monetization strategy from the developers. "Unlock Adolf Hitler for 500 coins" is quite the sentence. Just absolutely priceless UX work here.

900 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10733 10:33

tab one: ending theme to the turn-a gundam film
tab two: pixiv animation of girl from blue archive using a urinal
tab three: wikipedia article on how the moon landing flag was made

901 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10736 05:09

Proof That Male Is THE Superior Sex
Before I begin, I want to say that I'm not trying to spread sexist propaganda, I'm just observing the facts. Okay, now that this is clear, I'll begin:

Females have vaginas. Males have penises. Now let's see what can be made out of that.

If you put two females in an empty room, they can't **** each other because they don't have anything to **** (i.e. penetrate) each other with.

If you put two males in an empty room, they can **** each other because they have a penis to **** each other with.

I know that the second example was an unpleasant one for probably most of you (including me), but it proves my point.

Even in lesbian porn, the females use a dildo (which is a fake penis) to satisfy each other, which also proves my point.

From that, we can conclude that a male is SEXUALLY superior over a female, PHYSICALLY superior over a female, and mentally equal (?). We have three factors: sexual, physical and mental. Since mental factor is supposedly equal for both sexes, we can drop it from the equation. That leaves us with 2/2 score for male sex over 0 score for female sex.

Therefore, males ARE superior to women.

Anyone agree or disagree? Why?

902 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10736 20:44

Demons actually make sense itfs humans that are bonkers

903 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10739 23:37

Ifm a board-certified internal medicine physician and I can personally assure you that obese purple M&Ms are not one of the major issues facing our nation.

904 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10740 22:45

If you told Twitter the sky was blue someone would post a picture of a sunset and say you're wrong

905 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10741 00:33

Like, why the FUCK else would I or anyone continue to post on this account and field such undeserved hate and malice. Anyone else sane or not would make an alt and try again. But me, (name removed), who changed from a triple major in honors chem, bio, and psych - on a pre-med track - I changed my major to Philosophy and left the other 3 90% done... because truth is all I care about.

It's my entire life from top to bottom. Sapere Aude. Have Courage to Use Your OWN Reason

thanks latin and Kant for opening my eyes to a world where my life is about more than making money and having a respected career.

furthermore, define boypussy. Gay men are most CERTAINLY interested in vaginas, the entire idea of anal sex is simulacrum. They just want the vagina to also come with a dick for role reversal if they feel like it. That's why it's a perversion and so laughable. Same for lesbos. "We don't need NO MAN and NO DICKS!" and then moments later they are fucking themselves with a plastic phallus...

Like I said though, everyone can do what they want with their own life. And we certainly shouldn't deny gays any human right that heteros get under the law, that's bullshit and still a real issue. But there's no such thing as the right to be safe from dissenting opinions. You have yours and I have mine.

906 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10741 09:18

I just really like cute girls eating oversized junk food

Like not in a kinky way or anything, I just think it's endearing

907 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10742 06:28

I really want to take a shit right now. I like looking at pictures of cute girls when I shit. It reminds me of how much I hate them and want to shit on them.


> And we certainly shouldn't deny gays any human right that heteros get under the law, that's bullshit

Wrong we should sentence them to capital punishment. Ae need some discipline and order in society. And fuck Kant he was retarded.

908 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10742 20:44

You're friends with Homestuck fans which is much worse than making a funny joke about the Holocaust
I could tell from the way you write BTW

909 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10744 18:08

look I just want my ulthwe warhost to be competitive again I don't actually care about what "a croatian" is

910 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10745 02:55

>>906 same

911 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10746 01:33

I thick itfs a very cool concept despite the huge dick and balls amogus

912 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10747 03:15

The sheer commerce power contained in such a small space will force spawn a capitalist-themed amusement park dungeon

913 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10748 22:56

quirked up transsexed tradcath crytofash catgirls cyberheroin stored on the blockchain fisher-price baby's first stock market digital wormhole between bedrooms makeup hauls and mukbangs burned into corneas heteroflexible post-lesbian platonic intimacy indoor palm tree bimbofied bap-pilled sword guy who needs a personally assigned nsa agent when you have kiwifarms gorpcore coquette wet brain red scare the future is algorithmically generated humans speaking nothings to each other dennis cooper/ryan trecartin convo youtube video the dissolution of any kind of identity i'm nobody sonic oc inflation character model in second life

914 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10749 13:07


915 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10750 01:20

There's only one thing you need lad, and thats a russell hobbs 23910 adventure brushed stainless steel electric kettle.

916 Name: vc: pist : 1993-09-10750 05:19

gentle reminder to all black splatoon players, if u pick team white chocolate you will have titles like "white fiend" and "white defender" on black history month

917 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10751 23:00

We've got a similar device in my home town and some scientists have it stuck in the testing phase with some diseased field mice. Well, less a device and more a sledge hammer...and It's a group of scientists and moreso just me. And it's less field mice and more hobos. And it's less a testing phase and more I haven't been caught yet.

918 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10754 03:47

Every square micrometer of the human body has been tortured for sexual pleasure at some point in the past 8000 years of modern human civilization. Across eras and generations, whether it be the lowly nipple or the exalted ear lobe, someone, somewhere, has asked for a voluptuous woman to carve at it with a knife; and that someone then came.

919 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10757 20:29

Before I played [game] i had a small wee wee, no friends, no girlfriend, depression and absolutely no will to live. None of these things have changed, but the game is pretty good.

920 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10757 20:57

During a model shoot all this black ooze shot from my skeleton vagina, anyway, where can I sell some hot anime?

921 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10758 02:12

Maybe it's a trick just to get him inside his house. Or Wario is a freak and just wants to make Mario smells his shit for a quick laugh.

922 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10760 23:33

Donft listen to that guy, holding up a cinder block and dropping it on your head is not likely to kill you and suicide by shotgun only has a 70% success rate.

923 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10766 16:27

I can think of no more offensive thing to say to a woman than "you look human".

Can't explain, perhaps, but it's a nasty thing to say.

924 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10767 22:36

You're not allowed to make jokes and references on the internet anymore. Regardless of how obvious you make it, someone will always use their confirmation bias and lack of media literacy to play you for the fool.

925 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10768 00:39

>>924 Embrace it... foolishness for Christ...

926 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10769 07:53

Empress broke Denuvo DRM on Hogwarts Legacy, but published the torrent with a message supporting J. K. Rowling, calling modern men sissies, and denouncing trannies and wokeness.

927 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10769 16:17

One day soon someone will input all of this scam content into an off-the-shelf "AI" package and sell "Grift as a Service" (GaaS). You click on the "Carnivore" button and the software creates a fake influencer who posts about their diet and links viewers to your scam supplements

928 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10770 04:14

OP likes to think his mind is strong enough to regulate its own emotions 😂

The truth of the matter is chemicals in your Brian affects how you feel and think. Thus of course taking supplements would trigger specific emotional statesC it's a no brainer...I don't know how anyone could criticise people for that.

Supplements affect people differently, it's best for individuals to tests it empirically and find things that chemically affects your emotions in the way that feels right. Instead of trying to "regulate" it, which is much harder than what OP likes to trick themselves into thinking.

For example, I spent 2 weeks taking melatonin and I was soooo depressed without realising it was the melatonin. I tried meditation, cold showers etc... I was still depressed and anxious, nothing worked... And then I realised the cause is from taking melatonin, I stopped taking it and I felt much better afterwards.

929 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10770 10:28

I know the carnivore freaks exist and are real and I know some of them go crazy for the raw meat thing, but, like, this whole thing where he's just eating testicles like multiple times a day has to be a bit or just a lie, right? How does he even source so much testicles?

930 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10770 19:40

This is a good thing. It means something made her think of you or she saw your name & thought to text you. If you're working, don't respond. You're work is always more important than girls. If its weekend, don't respond. You're too busy having a good weekend & she might be checking to see if you're out with other girls. I don't recommend being 'to-the-point' with girls you're texting/dating. Woman respond best to guys who make them feel good. Thats most likely the reason you get a random "hey," she likes the feeling she gets when interacting with you. Keeping the conversation fun & light will give her this sensation. Kind of like when you where a kid you learned to wait till your parents where in a good mood before you asked them for a new toy... Next time you get a "hey." Reply with something like 'what, is dinner ready?' Her >"yes" (you get dinner, fuck ya!) "no" ('Well kitten, looks like we're eating out for dinner then') If she still says no/doesn't reschedule, fuck it. Date her sister.

931 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10771 00:24

You know this character. His name is Pepe the Frog. He went from a character that became popular for peeing with his pants down around his ankles, to a symbol of hate

There are ten million things I'll never forgive the alt-right for doing and this is one of them.

Yeah, I know it's an incredibly insignificant thing compared to all the downright vile shit they do, but it still makes me really sad. Pepe didn't deserve this.

932 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10771 05:26

worth noting this post was from 2009 and might have made more sense in that era

933 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10771 07:13

Boot Camp was a thing and I don't recall anyone I knew from those days who didn't use it.

934 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10771 12:23

A report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) stated that the October 2022 Riyadh International Book Fair included exhibitors selling more than two dozen notoriously anti-Semitic books. The ADL noted that the presence of these anti-Semitic books at the largest book fair in the country gseem[s] at odds with some positive Saudi trends.h

935 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10771 19:37

>>932 I've been using macs for 25 years, he is just a fool

936 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10771 20:08

The meaning of 'stan' in K-POP is quite scary.

Eminem wrote a song called 'Stan' back in 2017 (I believe.) It's about an obsessive fan. Scary, right? Wait until I give you the lyrics!

937 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10772 19:45

thank you all for coming along on a journey. i truly appreciate this community, music fans, gamers, students, DJs, shrek ravers. class acts, amazing!

938 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10772 22:13

Opposition leaders, media, and civil society groups criticized a law passed in 2020 on forced religious conversion by marriage as violating constitutional protections on freedom of religion and reinforcing derogatory stereotypes of Muslim men using marriage to coerce Hindu women into religious conversions, often referred to as glove jihad.h

939 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10772 23:26

​Although the law prohibits ethnic and religious discrimination, racial discrimination is enshrined in the constitution, which restricts citizenship and land ownership to those of gNegro descent.h While persons of Lebanese and Asian descent who were born or who had lived most of their lives in the country may not by law attain citizenship or own land, there are some exceptions.

940 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10773 19:39

The ideal poop knife:

  • A buoyant handle so it floats the right way up when dropped.
  • A kink in the blade like [pictured] so you can scrape around the underside of the lip.
  • An LED in the blade end of the handle, so you can see what you're cutting in the dark or shade.
  • Double-edges, with different grade curves to follow the bowl shape.
  • Double-edges, with one hard and the other soft.
  • Non-slip grip handle.
  • Be either completely uniform colour for easy cleaning OR some sort of mottled brown design so the stains don't show up as much.
  • Dishwasher safe.

941 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10773 21:26

> great posts everyone, really funny stuff going around the website today

i didn't post

but thank you v much :)

edit: is this stolen valor?

942 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10774 14:15

So I did the math, if you were to force the state of Wyoming to eat the entire stockpile of government cheese, the average weight would increase by more than 125 pounds.

943 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10776 19:27

I see a beautiful future where ALL of our entertainment comes from unmedicated schizophrenia.

944 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10778 04:16

I don't care about the universal declaration of human rights, and neither should you.

945 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10778 04:59

I really wanted to ask, but i was afraid of outing myself as being connected to the giant pink anime thing that they have to stare at for the next two months

946 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10778 08:17

Love doesn't bloom on the battlefield, but war crimes do.

947 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10778 22:31

Just as there are men who want to be women or women who want to be men, these people have the right to do with their appearance and I want to be an adorable and huggable satyr and I have faith that my wish will be fulfilled in heaven, my body, my appearance and my decision and I hope that my family will accept me at least with time

948 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10779 14:22

aawww shit your thread just got paleoschizo'd

949 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10780 21:33

I'd pay good money to see Elon get locked into a punishment stockade and smacked in the face with a giant floppy rotten sea bass non stop for days until he literally went insane. I can just imagine him struggling violently to free himself and his screaming being interrupted with each smack of the fish.

That would fill me with incomprehensible joy.

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