Chicken. I hate it. (20)

9 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-24 22:30 ID:PkgJJj/H

Sounds intense, more so than I thought. Almost deserves cross-posting in Personal Issues.
Is it possible to ship your little brother of to live with your father?
Or maybe you could join your sister there.

I sympathize with the family member on a freakish diet, it's so inconvenient and obnoxious for everyone else.

> I guess is a very common problem in my country. Nobody knows how to cook properly (My grandmoher thinks i'm some kind of cooking genius because i'm the only person in that house tht makes decent spaguetti.

Spaghetti made me think of Italy, but you say nobody knows how to cook... and that could not be Italy.
My guess is Mexico. (and my backup is Brazil, followed by Ecuador)

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