When was the last time you played a REALLY good game (188)

123 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-10-17 22:35 ID:Heaven

i have an issue with steambot chronicles, somewhat. well it's more of an issue with games at large. but it's extremely apparent here.

this game is advertised as one you can play in many different ways, as they say "be a bad guy if you want" ... so, why can't you be gay? you can reject the advances of connie to a certain extent, but the option "kiss hand" when meeting new people only appears with females...

then there's the gay character who runs the arena in nefroburg, i forget his name. he's just about as ridiculous, borderline-offensive as stereotypes get. and he hits on vanilla, but the most you can do is grudgingly sort-of accept his invitation to have dinner with him, and even if you do accept it never actually happens.

ah, well.

maybe i'm expecting a bit much from video games, it's not a medium known for its maturity in dealing with such issues.

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