General Purpose Rant & Chat Thread (698)

348 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-10 11:37 ID:izxvdlwd

>>346 >All the asian people have exciting lives (is this true)?

x_x in the west? No. Well, depends on how strict the parents are. Girls will always be dominated by the parents and never be allowed to do anything, and treated like crap. Boys have it easier but are still very restricted. They're expected to be smart and succeed in life a lot more than other kids...

If you don't have friends, it's because you don't make the effort. Strike up idle chit-chat with someone in a common situtation (eg in the library, you're researching the same topic). As long as you don't scare them off with talk about anime and otaku and stuff then they'll probably not hate you.

I had a rant, but I forgot it. Oh well. Things aren't bad for me. Going to Japan soon (^_^)b (though it's kind of annoying that heaps of other people I know are going too, so it makes my trip sound less special when I type about it. lol.)

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