General Purpose Rant & Chat Thread (698)

35 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-14 12:02 ID:qM88A3g2

Fantasy shmantasy. It sounds reasonable to me, what with Judeo-christianity influencing the west for thousands of years and Buddhism-shintoism influencing the east for thousands of years. Two very different philosophies, making for different mindsets over the ages with the people going through their individual assimilation processes. While the religions mentioned were never too homogenous, I think it's ignorant to dismiss any reference to their influence as "vague".

And that's just one (possible) explanation for the correctness of the hypothesis (which of course may be wrong for some individual cases).

I also hold the belief that the general, very un-individual developments dozens of generations before us have gone through have a huge impact on our individual existence, whether we like it or not. There's been some arguments for that in this thread:

What do you mean with "all such statements are not created equal"?

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