General Purpose Rant & Chat Thread (698)

418 Name: Anonymous : 2006-11-05 16:16 ID:PaM1tTbd

Oh man, oh man. There's a weird Japanese boarding school not far from where I live (for the children of Japanese people that are working in this country) and they had an open day today. It was fucking awesome.

They had a raffle which featured prizes such as 32" LCD TVs, high quality digital cameras, and electric guitars. (The open day is sponsored by the big companies some of the student's parents work for or some crap like that, so they get great stuff to give away.) I didn't win anything good, but it was still pretty cool. They also had a book sale, and I bought a shit load of manga for 10p A VOLUME. キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!

Plus there was loads of Japanese food to eat/be disgusted by, weird Japanese kids to be confused by, and assorted strange weeaboos to gawk at. Most fun day I've had for a while. And now I'm going to read some of that big stack of manga I bought... ( ´ー`)

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