General Purpose Rant & Chat Thread (698)

618 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-03 05:26 ID:bo8iv+IC


Awww, I remember back in the day,
I was in love with a girl too. I didn't dare touch her, or even speak with her. She had pretty golden hair and auburn eyes. Funny thing is, I don't think we'd have gotten along. Maybe that's why I never approached her. I don't make too big a deal about it. I think I'm pretty much over her by now. But jesus was I obsessed!

But now look where I am! I'm posting on 4-ch and I have no life! You should not follow my example!

619 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-03 06:34 ID:I0sCn7bW


I had the EXACT same freaking experience.
You are probably the story of my life.

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