General Purpose Rant & Chat Thread (698)

626 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-11 14:00 ID:uGbxbVqr

Today I caught a friend of mine staring at me whilst I was studying. I had previously turned down his advances yonks ago, and managed to continue being friends. But I was caught off guard by him staring so intently (he didn't stop when I looked up), that I responded quite rudely with "What?", coupled with a what-the-heck-is-your-problem expression. A little while ago he also questioned me about a male friend he saw me talking to. Again, surprised and creeped out by his intrusiveness, I replied in the same way.

On the other hand, another friend that I turned down is playing a different approach. Not long after the rejection, he is constantly asking me to introduce me to my female friends, or verbally checking out girls in front of me. I'm not jealous and I know what he's playing at, but it doesn't make it any less insulting.

"Stupid boys, throw rocks at them."

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