Single Male Rant thread (643)

101 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-11 08:54 ID:AWyucS+L

hey, MSN, i was about to go to bed but refereshed the thread real fast.
I'm honestly kind of disappointed in you for not speaking to her. However, I completly understand your feeling. Perhaps a few of us (or just me, I have the time this time of year) should stay up with you one or two nights untill she comes online, and give you advice real-time. That might be taking this a little too far, but I think it'd be fun, and more important, a great help to you. And so if you're waiting one night, post here, and I'll be sure to stay updated.

Also, while I do see the point of >>85's approach, I am glad you've made the decision to take it slowly. I feel this will make you guys more comfortable before diving right into the subject.

If she does come online again, just say "hey" before you have a chance to stop yourself - think about it, in your current position, what have you got to lose? No matter how much you freak out in real life, you can still keep your cool in an MSN window.

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