Single Male Rant thread (643)

233 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-17 14:09 ID:hO0OUebY

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

You've definitely leveled up!

>I suggested that we get together sometime to catch up on things. She said sure, gave me her phone number, and said to just call her or email her!
>Now I just have to think of something we can do together

Don't get cocky yet. If you overthink this or overprepare for it, you'll end up all nervous like in the movie thing again. Just pick someplace quiet where you can talk with her. Refrain from bringing her any gifts. If you must, then just one small one. You want to avoid overwhelming her all of a sudden.

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