Single Male Rant thread (643)

370 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-09 04:30 ID:1H3Ezlsr

I'm not sure why I don't seem to have much interested in dating. (and no, I'm not HAADO GEI...)

My idea of what constitutes 'attractive' doesn't really mesh with what society seems to view as attractive. You would think that would make things easier, right? I don't know.

I've got to do something, though. I'm 24, and while that certainly isn't old by any means, my opportunities seem to diminish constantly. Part of that is the fact that I've never really dated anyone (at least that lived in the same state, lol), so I don't really know how to proceed... and so I create the idea that I want to date someone younger, that might be equally inexperienced. But as I get older, that becomes less and less of a possibility...

You know, we ought to have assignments in this thread. Like, everyone has to try to get a date this week, etc.

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