Single Male Rant thread (643)

42 Name: 42 2005-11-05 23:05 ID:UrDtQCHY

Hello. I'd like to ask for some serious suggestions. I'm not sure how to explain this so I'll just start from the begining. About 2 years ago I met an amazing girl at my school. Lets just say her name is MD. I always noticed her around, but never had an opportunity to talk to her until one day I saw her talking to another one of my friends and joined their conversation. They were both Japanese, and I'm very interested in the culture, so I found it easy to find things to talk about. By the end of the conversation I had her email address, phone number, and I had made a friend. However, at the same time I was becoming close with one of her friends(we'll call her CT) who I thought I had a better chance with. Eventually, we started to date and all of us(me, CT, and MD) would hang out together often. The relationship with CT turned out to be a disaster. We fought nonstop and broke up countless times in less than a 6 month period. She would often be jealous of my freindship with MD which led to the end of their friendship. My feelings for MD began to grow more and more, so I finally gave up on my relationship with my CT. The day after I broke up with her, I found out MD got a boyfriend. I thought I was gonna die. Also at the same time, my brother left home with his girlfriend. I don't think I ever felt so lonely. Anyway, several months later I found out she broke up with her boyfriend. We were talking about it online, and as the conversation came to an end, she asked if I wanted to go see a movie. I really can't describe how happy that made me. After all my bad luck, it seemed things were turning around. I really thought I had a chance. I was soooo nervous though. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I did EVERYTHING possible to prepare for the day I would meet her. Finally that day came around. We saw the movie then ended up cooking something at my house. I was scared the whole time, so it wasn't the smoothest date ever (if you'd even consider it a date), but it still seems like a dream to me. however, it seems that as the day ended, so did my dream. I wrote her an email the next day thanking her for everything. It was days before I got a response. I would email her back, and it started taking longer and longer for responses. Finally It got to the point where I was going crazy. I had lost about 20 pounds at this point. She just didn't seem interested.... Finally I got an email from her saying that she was going back to Japan soon. I emailed her back asking to see her before she left. I never got a response.(btw, I only emailed because it was hard for her to understand me on the phone) The day she left, I stayed up all night hoping to see her online one last time so I could talk to her... at about 3 in the morning she signed on, but right away left. I felt like crap. I never cared for someone as much as I cared for her.. I really can't explain it. Well, a few months later I found out from a friend that she was comming back from Japan to take some more classes! I finally emailed her just to verify it but again got no repsonse. Now, I sometimes see her at school.. our eyes will meet, but quickly leave. We don't say anything to each other. I think it's been about 6 months since we've talked. Nowadays I see her online more often too, but I can't gather the courage to say anything. I don't know what to say. I don't understand why she stopped talking to me. As bad as the situation seems, I feel like I can't give up. I try to be interested in other girls, but my mind always goes back to MD. I'm sorry for such a long post, but to those who've taken the time to read it, any help would be more than apprecaited.

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