The sad thread (´・ω・`) (317)

155 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-16 21:58 ID:ur6OtXn1

Why am I sad? Well let me tell you...

I've had no job for a couple years (long story) and little to no human contact for about that time (longer story) and I've been living off of a credit card for longer than anyone should. Fortunately, I have an unexplainable optimism that has managed to keep me from wanting to blow my brains out. And thanks to my computer, I was able to download and watch massive amounts of anime which was at least fun. But suddenly: HARDWARE FAILURE! My intarweb was broked. No money, no new computer. Fission mailed.

But that's OK, I still had a TV and a local video rental place with a nice stock of anime, so perhaps there was hope. And until this morning, that was true. My TV is in the basement, and this morning, so was a wasp. That was the last straw. I fucking hate wasps and bees. So I sealed off the basement, leaving behind what was left of my breakfast. Now I have to get a job because I can't think of anything else to do.

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