The sad thread (´・ω・`) (317)

187 Name: Anonymous : 2006-06-02 18:01 ID:HvrVvork

I'm sad because every time I go to the mall* I always always seem to mount a ONE MAN FAG PARADE into Suncoast.

Yes, THAT penis otaku house, Suncoast. Once there I seem to pace in front of the pocky, if someone else were to come into the store I would quickly move to a "normal" section and fake browse; I say fake browse because in my mind I'm only thinking POCKY.

Now I use to consider myself pretty good at just remaining a "anime fag" and not crossing over to wotaku and pocky represents the Monument of a Crisis that is the non-existing line.

I 4-ch/Yoshinoya/nullpo and I still cant get that fucking pocky no matter how hard I try; Nothing, no combination of factors can defeat pocky. Not even Blue Eyes White Dragon. Not even close.

So yeah, I can't reccomend pocky to noobs like me.

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