The sad thread (´・ω・`) (317)

227 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-12 01:16 ID:ReIaIIgO


221 here. I've got friends with the same hobbies, but... the ones my age are moving on, and the ones younger than me will be moving on.


Yeah, I agree. I adore computers, but after studying and working with them for a while I just got sick of them. Now they're strictly hobby.

I'm going to give up working full time and go study next year. Get my life back into gear, and such.


If you have trouble talking to people individually, then don't. Just hang around with a group until you're comfortable. An easy way to get with a group is a hobby. For example, an anime club. When they go out, you tag along and you'll slowly get to know them, and open up. Especially when hanging out with other geeks, they know you're not going to be the life of the party, because they aren't either.

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