Residents of Needler Hall! (122)

88 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-14 12:55 ID:/71kbsd9

  ミ*´ー`ミ Hello, nya.
Name: Security Kitten
Personality: "Chill" basicly a total pushover who really doesn't care about anything, also a little clumsy.
Habbits: saying "nya" at the end of every sentence.
Hobbies: Foiling evil doers (if they don't mind)
Age: A few weeks now I think
Birth place: Darkpa's thread (from /dqn/)
Secret: Accidently shot his partner during a scuffle in the dark, and now must try to live with the consequences.
Extra Secret: His partner was Hay-chan's long-lost twin brother!

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