ITT we talk about sex ed in public school (49)

27 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-20 06:02 ID:tmsxkYWX

That's the second time I heard that bull.

"You should have sex before marriage because you might end up sexually incompatible, otherwise!"

heh, I don't plan on sex until marriage, and it's not nessasrily a morale thing, either.

I just believe you shouldn't even try it, unless you're sure the person you're doing it with is the one, as it's the highest form of intimacy there is. And you can't really say the person is "The One" until you're willing to marry them.

(Note: this is just what I believe, though. Some people do it for fun all the time, which is fine for them.)

Sexually incompatible? Heh, like sex is the most important thing in a relationship. "Oh no, you're sexually incompatible, I'm not marrying you anymore."

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