Dear General, help me get over Avoidant personality disorder (52)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-05-05 00:49 ID:UYn44ned

yeah, sure, drugs solves everything........

i used to be awkward and all. like, think about, the position youre in right now, not knowing any people, how can it get any worse? like, all i did was basically, just stop caring what people think of me anymore, and just, do things. just, dont be afraid to say watevers on ur mind, and just speak out (not in a derogatory or rude sense of course), might just be able to find some people u like and such. u can always practice and go clubbing, and try whatever u want on random people you dont know, cuz, odds are, youre never gonna see them again. and like, if you find yourself in a deadly silence with another person, you can always break the silence with the magic word, "BANANA HAMMOCK!"

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