Life is not what you expected (22)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-08-08 13:05 ID:9622jkej

My father is similar to the fathers described in this thread.
I never knew who he was. Compared to how my mother understood me, he didn't have a clue about who I was.

My fathers decisions are are never logical, 80% of the time they lead to failure for himself or the whole family.

What anoys me though, is my fathers obsession with saving money (and we arn't poor,we have the money), he attempts to save money by looking at cheaper solutions to everything, but never looks at the efficiency or the quality of his plan.

He ends up doing things over again because his cheap solutions are half assed attempts, or what you have is simply DO NOT WANT. In the end more money is used and his ideal fails again and always will. I cant remember a time when he has succeeded.

Our family relationship revolves around his obsession with saving, my mom has suffered from this obsession since the day she married him, and I too have had enough of it. Sometimes I give him a chance and reason with him, but the more I follow his ideal the more I start to get sick of it.

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