This is my language teaching thread!! It's true! It's true! (721)

22 Name: 4 : 2007-03-07 01:01 ID:B/PNRilH

Thank you for your corrections. We're learning together!

(Now I am beginning to use Japanese that I don't know very well, please excuse my many mistakes).

Your English is very good.
In England we don't have many 'rounin.'
We don't have College entrance exams, only high-school final exams.
You said you were an otaku, I'm an anime and Japan otaku. (Yes, in America and England we have otakus dedicated to Japan).
Please write kanji here! I need to learn them.

How would you say in Japanese "I have been a rounin for nearly one year."?

Thank you so much for correcting my Japanese. I will correct your English in return.

A couple of things:

>>A term which is made in 2ch often spread widely, so perhaps, one day this word comes to be used by ordinary Japanese people.

Here, first, you should use 'spreads widely' instead of 'spread widely,' because you are talking about the term, an 'it'.

Also, I would say 'one day this word will come to be used by ordinary Japanese people.' - this sounds more natural, once again I can't think of the rule why, it just feels better.

>>In Britain, the nunber of Rounins is numerous, too?

Here, it would be better to say 'In Britain, are there numerous rounins too?'

Well done on using 'too' correctly. Many native speakers would have said 'to' which is incorrect.

>>Thank you, I'll read this absolutely!!

Here, you should put 'absolutely' before the verb 'read' because it is an adverb.
'Thank you, I'll absolutely read this!'
I think the rule is: In English, adverbs (words that usually end in -ly) come immediately before the verb.

Have a good night sir, I'm going to bed now. It's taken me an hour to write the Japanese in this post, but if we keep helping each other it'll take me much less time in the future! おやすみなさい!

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